What do environmental engineers do?

June 16, 2021

environmental engineers


After answering, we often hear this… That’s cool; I didn’t know that!


Here at SCS, we work for developers, industry, and manufacturers to help them run cleaner, safer, and more efficiently. This PBS video provides insight into how SCS brings value to the waste industry, our clients, and, most importantly, our communities.

  • Reduce waste
  • Turn waste into energy
  • Protect and clean the air, soil, and water

You may ask yourself, don’t pig farms create pollution? Yes, but even that waste is reusable!

Did you know the food you buy in the grocery is supported by our environmental experts? Learn more about SCS’s environmental engineers and consultants who bring contaminated properties back to life, lower and capture greenhouse gases for fuels and renewable energy, and make possible a brighter future.

If you are interested in becoming an SCS Engineers employee-owner, watch our comprehensive video to see the breadth of services our teams offer.











Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am
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