WasteCon 2017

September 14, 2017

Solid waste managementThese guys don’t want to miss Resource Management and Waste Diversion: Evaluating the Impact on Waste Management caused by the Changing Waste Stream Composition at WasteCon/ISWA 2017.

Solid waste management, and in particular sanitary landfilling, is being impacted by the waste composition evolution. One notable change is an overall decrease in tonnage. Reasons for the reduced quantity may be attributed to factors such as increased diversion of recyclables, increased diversion of vegetative organics, evolving diversion of food waste, changes to packaging, expansion of fresh organic foods lifestyle, expansion of fitness lifestyles, as well as other generational life choices.

Learn more about this topic and many others at the ISWA/WasteCon conference in Baltimore, MD.

Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:03 am
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