SCS’s Green Street Blog Series: Part II
In our Green Street blog series, we step you through a successful redevelopment project called Green Street in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Throughout the blog series, we’ll point out how to identify and avoid potential environmental issues that can slow your redevelopment and remediation projects.
Initially, SCS Engineers completed due diligence to understand the potential environmental concerns about the unique properties acquired. We specifically looked at subsurface soil and groundwater to plan for and mitigate contamination before site excavation begins.
Proper soil management protects the environment and the health of the community. A Soil Management Plan outlines the steps to handle disturbed soil, including identifying regulated materials, overseeing construction activities, and managing potentially impacted soil.
As a full-service environmental firm, SCS professionals are onsite during earthwork activities, conducting soil testing and overseeing the proper disposal of materials to meet compliance and clean-up standards.
Upon project completion, SCS sends the city a comprehensive report detailing involvement in the abatement, demolition, and earthwork activities, along with analytical data and photographic documentation to show the site is pristine and ready for safe development.
Due diligence includes assessing the old buildings on site to identify and allow the safe removal of asbestos, lead-based paint, and hazardous materials before contractors proceed with building demolition.
Following due diligence and as part of a holistic plan, SCS environmental professionals collaborate with abatement and building demolition contractors. Communication and tight teamwork help comply with all federal, state, and local environmental regulations, keeping the project on track. By providing oversight throughout the process, including daily field monitoring and sampling, Lee’s Summit is confident work is done safely and to the highest standards.
We begin walking through tank removal and historical discoveries in Part III of the Green Street series on January 29.
Additional Resources:
About the Author: Michael (Mike) Dustman is experienced in environmental project management, remedial design activities, building inspection, site assessments, and field training. He possesses an in-depth knowledge of relevant and applicable federal, state, and local environmental laws and protocols. Mike has served numerous local agencies and private clients, including the USEPA Region 4 Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team. Mike is a certified asbestos project designer, management planner, and building inspector, a certified air sample professional, and a certified lead-based paint inspector and lead risk assessor.
Here at SCS, we work for developers, industry, and manufacturers to help them run cleaner, safer, and more efficiently. This PBS video provides insight into how SCS brings value to the waste industry, our clients, and, most importantly, our communities.
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Did you know the food you buy in the grocery is supported by our environmental experts? Learn more about SCS’s environmental engineers and consultants who bring contaminated properties back to life, lower and capture greenhouse gases for fuels and renewable energy, and make possible a brighter future.
If you are interested in becoming an SCS Engineers employee-owner, watch our comprehensive video to see the breadth of services our teams offer.