GHG reduction

October 15, 2024

EPA alert

EPA Releases 2023 Data Collected Under Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program


Today, Oct. 15, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released 2023 greenhouse gas data collected under the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program. In 2023, reported direct emissions of greenhouse gases from large stationary sources, representing approximately 50% of total U.S. emissions, were down by approximately 4% from 2022. From 2011 to 2023, total reported GHG emissions from large facilities decreased by approximately 22%, driven by a decrease in power plant emissions. This decline occurred even though, after 2016, the program began tracking additional sources.

As directed by Congress, EPA collects annual, facility-level emissions data from major industrial sources, including power plants, oil and gas production, iron and steel mills, and landfills. GHGRP also collects activity data from upstream fossil fuel and industrial gas suppliers. More than 8,100 direct emitters and suppliers report GHG data to GHGRP. Data reported from both direct emitters and upstream suppliers combined cover 85% to 90% of total U.S. GHG emissions. A complete accounting of total U.S. GHG emissions across all sectors of the economy using national-level data is available through a separate EPA report, the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks.

The data show that in 2023:

  • Power plants remain the largest stationary source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, with 1,320 facilities emitting approximately 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Reported power plant emissions decreased by 7.2% between 2022 and 2023. There has been a 33.8% decrease in emissions since 2011, reflecting the long-term shifts in the power sector fuel stock from coal to natural gas.
  • Petroleum and natural gas systems were the second largest stationary source of reported emissions, reporting 322 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Reported emissions for 2023 were 1.4% higher than in 2022 and 16.4% higher than in 2016. (2016 is the earliest year of comparable data for this sector, as new industry segments began reporting that year.)
  • Direct emissions from other large sources in the industrial and waste sectors were reported as a combined 785 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2023, down 1.1% from 2022 and 10.3% since 2011. These are other direct emission sources reporting to the GHGRP other than power plants and petroleum and natural gas facilities which were not under any thresholds, making the decrease impressive.

The reporting year 2023 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program Data still needs to reflect the impact of several rules EPA issued in 2024 to tackle methane emissions from the oil and gas sector and improve data quality. According to EPA these actions include standards to reduce methane and other harmful air pollution from new and existing oil and natural gas operations; a final rule under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program to strengthen, expand, and update methane emissions reporting requirements for oil and gas operations to help close the perceived gap between observed and reported emissions; and other amendments to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program data.


Resources for Greenhouse Gas Reporting:






Posted by Diane Samuels at 1:22 pm

August 14, 2023

Carbon Capture Storage Sequestration SCS Engineers
Lower your carbon footprint with the help of this SCS educational video series.


Class VI Underground Injection Control Well Permitting is Part III of our video series on Carbon Capture and Storage. Cutting through red tape and regulatory barriers is key to keeping the permitting process on track for your Class VI UIC well. There are steps you can take to prevent delays and meet key regulatory requirements.

Watch the SCS’s Carbon Capture and Storage webinar to learn more about each phase of the permitting process and how to keep each running smoothly. Carbon capture and storage is an EPA-approved technology companies are exploring to help them reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and understanding the permitting process is key as you plan your project. In this chapter you’ll get answers to these questions:

  • What are the steps to permit a Class VI UIC well, and what does the cost curve look like?
  • When should you start each step to make sure you’re ready for the next one?
  • What are the common pain points in the Class VI well permitting process and how can you mitigate them?

Your business does not have to be in Illinois to learn from these educational webinars. If you’re ready to explore the benefits of carbon capture and storage but concerned you’ll get delayed by the ins and outs of the Class VI UIC well permitting process, watch Patty Herman’s video to learn more, or contact your local SCS office for a consultation.


Click to watch The Class VI UIC Well Permitting Process


Patty HermanPatty Herman graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with a Master of Science in Biological Sciences. Working in diverse and unique habitats enhances her awareness of the ecosystem’s fragility and the need to protect it, especially for agencies during the permitting process. During graduate school, she was selected by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for the Natural Heritage Residency program. The residency provided exposure to resource management in both public and private sectors, interacting with many federal, state, and local agencies, as well as NGOs and landowners. She writes and executes management plans and permits using her intensive experience in land management techniques. She has the unique ability to find common ground with stakeholders, agencies, and the public in safe land management for industrial and manufacturing.


Additional Resources:


Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

August 7, 2023

Carbon Capture Storage Sequestration SCS Engineers
Lower your carbon footprint with the help of this SCS educational video series.


Carbon capture and storage (CCS) enables industry and manufacturing to reduce greenhouse gas footprints by up to 2 million metric tons annually, for decades. It’s a great time to learn how this technology works, how it can help you, and what the overall lifecycle of a CCS project looks like. In this chapter, Kacey Garber and Candy Elliot step through best practices based on project experience, regulations (in this example Illinois), and the compilation and submittal of permit applications. You’ll learn about:

  • The CCS project life cycle.
  • Key considerations and best practices at each step in the project process.
  • Overcoming common challenges.

Your business does not have to be in Illinois to learn from these educational, non-commercial webinars. Transform how industry leaders like you manage greenhouse gas as a byproduct of modern life.


Click to watch The Components of a CCS Project – Permitting, Engineering, Operating, Monitoring to Closure


Helpful Basic Tips:

Early planning and mindful project scoping are critical for a CCS project to understand and communicate the project’s needs, objectives, goals, and conceptualized design. Use site characterization data and have a good handle on the operational parameters to develop a good first model and initial area of review delineation. The monitoring system design should then be tailored based on those data. Use the baseline and operational monitoring data to calibrate the model and refine your area of review delineation.

Early financial planning is also important and should include long-term operations and monitoring. Spend rates will be variable throughout these projects and highly dependent on the project’s phase.

The site geology is a key factor — we highly recommend conducting a feasibility study before beginning a project to assess the suitability of Class 6 injection at the proposed location. In addition, when the permit process begins, it’s important to front-load the site characterization efforts to minimize the uncertainty surrounding your site suitability.

Proactive stakeholder engagement surrounding your project is more likely to help lead your project to success. Developing outreach plans help open and facilitate lines of communication with stakeholders, regulatory officials, and public and environmental advocate groups.

Use an iterative project approach – permitting is not a cookie-cutter but a site-specific process. Your early and thorough planning steps help create a feedback loop that will go on throughout the project’s life. It enables flexibility in implementing your approach.


Kacey GarberKacey Garber is an experienced groundwater project manager for active and closed industrial clients, including routine groundwater monitoring and statistical analyses; reports and permit applications; designing sampling and analysis plans; special groundwater studies; and conducting groundwater well construction planning and design. She has also been involved in PFAS work groups and publishes on the topics of UIC and geologic sequestration. Ms. Garber has a Masters degree in Geoscience.

Candy ElliottCandy Elliott has 14 years of experience in assessment and remediation, including comprehensive geologic and hydrogeologic site assessments in several states. Her projects include site characterization, site assessment and remediation, brownfields, groundwater monitoring and reporting, groundwater corrective action, mining, and other industrial facility or site development projects. She also supports new and existing geologic permitting assignments for waste clients and facilities. Ms. Elliott is a licensed Professional Geologist.



Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

July 31, 2023

Carbon Capture Storage Sequestration SCS Engineers
Lower your carbon footprint with the help of this SCS educational video series.


Engaging With Your Stakeholders and Public Outreach is Part II of our four part video series. 

Geologic sequestration can be seen as an incredible public good that reduces greenhouse gas and protects the health and wellness of generations to come, or a local risk. It’s likely you will receive questions and concerns from the public and other stakeholders during your project’s lifecycle. You can use an effective stakeholder engagement plan to help you anticipate and respond to those questions and concerns.

Watch the Geologic Sequestration webinar to learn how to engage your key stakeholders in a supportive, consistent way that demonstrates your commitment to the community and builds trust. Geologic sequestration is an EPA-approved technology companies are exploring to help them reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. In this chapter you’ll learn:

  • How to identify key stakeholders – who should you engage?
  • How to educate, inform, and regularly gather and incorporate feedback to build trust
  • Examples of successful stakeholder engagement

If you’re ready to explore the benefits of geologic sequestration and want to educate the public and stakeholders about the safety and sustainability of Class VI underground injection control wells, watch Richard Southorn’s video to learn more, or contact your local SCS office for a consultation.


Click here to watch Geological Sequestration: Engaging With Your Stakeholders and Public Outreach


Richard SouthornRichard Southorn, PE, PG, serves as Project Director in our Chicagoland office. He manages coal combustion residual (CCR) and municipal solid waste projects, ranging from construction plan development to full-scale design services. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Alabama, South Carolina, Kansas, Michigan, Indiana, Hawaii, Oregon, and Georgia; and a licensed Professional Geologist in Illinois and Delaware.


Additional Resources: 



Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

July 17, 2023

Carbon Capture Storage Sequestration SCS Engineers
Lower your carbon footprint with the help of this SCS educational video series.


What if you could reduce your company’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 1.5 to 2 million metric tons per year for the next 20 years?

Now you can, with carbon capture and storage technology. Watch the Illinois Basin Carbon Capture and Storage webinar to learn more. Carbon capture and storage is an EPA-approved technology companies are exploring to help reduce GHG emissions.

In Illinois and many other states, leading firms are submitting permit applications for Class VI underground injection control wells. It’s a great time to review the state of the practice and learn how this technology works and how it can help you meet your carbon reduction goals. In this video chapter, SCS answers these questions:

  • What is the carbon capture and storage process?
  • What are the costs, benefits, and incentives?
  • How much carbon can you store in a well?
  • How big of an impact can just one well make?

This technology is on track to transform how industry leaders like you manage greenhouse gas as a byproduct of modern life. Watch Charles Hostetler’s short video to learn more, or contact your local SCS Engineers’ office for a consultation.

Click to watch Key Considerations for CCS Projects


Charles HostetlerDr. Charles Hostetler has nearly four decades of experience as an engineer and hydrogeologist. He has diverse experience in coal combustion residue (CCR) and solid waste management permitting, design, and construction projects. His areas of expertise focus on supporting electric utilities, property owners and developers, solid waste facility owners and operators to meet demands for addressing environmental changes and impacts on their operations.


Additional Resources:





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

March 30, 2021

Kokil Bansal working at home on the SCS Engineers YP Program
Kokil working at home on the SCS Engineers YP Program


What is your title and responsibilities at SCS Engineers? 

My title at SCS Engineers is “Project Professional.” In the Southeast region, we have something called “Assistant Project Managers,” which is not an official title. However, as the name suggests, the position entails helping the project manager run the project. My responsibilities include:

  • Planning, scheduling, and coordinating phases of a project,
  • Managing the scope and budget and informing the project managers if a change order is required,
  • Communicating with the team and client if there are issues to resolve,
  • Writing reports based on the work conducted, benefits, and results.


What attracted you to join  SCS? 

Kokil BansalWhile completing my Master of Environmental Engineering, most of my classes were either water or wastewater-related. I had heard of SCS Engineers; from what I had heard and seen, it was focused heavily on landfill engineering. As a millennial, I did not have a positive outlook on landfills; I was interested in the environmental remediation of properties. Luckily, I was in a restaurant and ran into Eddy Smith, Senior Vice President of Client Success. We went over my career goals and the projects at SCS. I applied for a job, and the rest is history!

What attracted me initially to SCS was working in Environmental Services. I have been with SCS for over three years now and have expanded into sustainable materials management (SMM), which is interesting and good for communities and the environment. I’m also eager to build a more comprehensive knowledge of using what was once waste to renewable energy sources and clean-burning fuel. Solid waste management and landfills are fascinating, more than I ever imagined. SMM, renewable energy, remediation, and landfill operations are interconnected and essential for keeping people and communities safe and thriving.


What is your favorite part of working at SCS?

The people at SCS! We hire humble, hungry, and smart people. The knowledge pool is incredible, and everyone is always willing to help, no matter what part of the country you’re working. People are just a phone call away.


What do you feel is your greatest achievement or contribution to date?

I am working on a 500-acre landfill redevelopment project divided into four quadrants. Our client completed construction on one quadrant with nine buildings. We’ve received closure for eight of the nine buildings and anticipate closure for the remaining building soon. I take pride in supporting them to accomplish the closure and earn the environmental approvals safer and faster because of my combined team’s expertise and experience.


What is challenging for you as a YP?

Learning to manage my time was the greatest challenge. Regularly, I would stay late to work on projects and completing my tasks. It wasn’t a sustainable balance in my life. I said yes to everything assigned instead of letting the project manager know that my plate was full. Now, by planning my day better, prioritizing, and giving project managers realistic deadlines. I found the balance that works, and I am more productive.


What has helped with your success?

The support of management and our team at SCS has made me successful. If I have an issue with a project or unsure of the direction I need to take, I know I can rely on my team to help. There have been times when colleagues have dropped what they are doing to help me finish a project on time and within budget.


Do you have a favorite aspect of SCS’s Young Professionals Program, and describe your role as Chair?

My favorite aspect of the YP program is the mentorship program that the committee relaunched in 2020. It is such an incredible opportunity as a YP to be guided by an experienced professional. They have stood where we are today, and getting to learn from their experience is invaluable; our YPs take advantage of it.

I enjoy my role as the Chair of the YP program; I spend my energies organizing by:

  • Leading the committee,
  • Delegating tasks to the committee members,
  • Staying on top of our schedule of events, training, and programs,
  • Communicating with the YP advisor on changes, issues, and news.


What are your favorite hobbies outside of SCS?

I am a bit of a nerd, so my friends and I play Dungeons and Dragons every week. I also like DIY projects with arts and crafts – I made wall décor out of cardboard when I moved into my house!


What advice do you have for others getting into STEM fields?

When I was younger, I was advised not to go into the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields by my career advisors and teachers because they did not think I would be successful. In fact, because of their advice, I tried out classes in the non-STEM field like history, commerce, geography, and I did not enjoy them. I was still intrigued by the STEM field, so I listened to my gut and look where I am today! STEM is not biased. My advice would be not to let anyone tell you that STEM is not for you. If you want to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, just do it!








Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:16 pm

January 7, 2020

Article published in the January 2020 edition of Waste Advantage Magazine.

At the Federal level, GHG emission reporting has become part of the standard regulatory requirements; however, on the west coast, GHG programs continue to develop and evolve from reporting to reduction programs beyond federal requirements. Solid waste facilities can be impacted by all of these reporting mechanisms directly as a landfill located in the state in question, opting in for C&T as part of the LCFS in California, or in limbo, as the courts work out the legality of Washington’s Clean Air Act. More stringent federal GHG requirements are unlikely with the current administration, however, that could change with the 2020 election. In general, GHG rules and legislation keep developing and updating to account for and reduce GHG emissions.

Read, share, or download the full article here.

Cassandra Drotman FarrantCassandra Drotman Farrant is Project Manager with SCS Engineers. She has nine years of experience in environmental consulting, specializing in environmental assessment and greenhouse gas (GHG) verification. Cassandra has participated in many GHG verification projects throughout the U.S. and has completed approximately 70 Phase I Environmental Assessments (ESAs) in California, Oregon, and Washington. Phase I projects included research and review of geologic and hydrogeologic conditions at project sites and in the surrounding areas and evaluating the potential for soil and groundwater contamination from on and offsite sources. Cassandra has completed emissions estimates and inventories and has prepared numerous permit-to-construct/operate permit applications. She prepares compliance reports, which includes reviewing and maintaining records and regulatory deadlines.

SCS Engineers provides engineering, consulting, operations and monitoring services to report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Select a service category to learn more.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

October 24, 2017

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) has awarded UNH the STARS Platinum rating in recognition of its sustainability achievements. STARS, the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System, measures and encourages sustainability in all aspects of higher education. The Platinum STAR is the highest possible rating and held by only a handful of higher education institutions in the world.

Some highlights of UNH’s sustainability achievements:

  • The main campus is powered 100 percent by renewable energy
  • 85 percent of campus energy comes from recycled landfill gas
  • Home to the first organic dairy research farm in the nation
  • Composts 25,000 pounds of dining hall food waste per month
  • Ranked second in North America for the study of ecology

“UNH committed to use renewable energy and move toward a sustainable energy economy early,” said Steve Hamilton, Sr. Vice President of SCS Engineers – Energy Division. “The decision to convert landfill gases to renewable energy kick-started a very successful program which is paying off for the University and in the surrounding community.”

Benefits include:



Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am