environmental engineering

October 16, 2023

deep injection wells
Stephanie Hill is a program co-leader for the SCS Carbon Sequestration and Deep Well Injection practice. She is a hydrogeologist and licensed Professional Geologist in multiple states, advising industrial clients on geologic storage options for carbon neutrality and disposal of industrial liquid residuals.


Injection well technologies have stored fluids and gases below protected drinking water aquifers for over half a century. When properly sited, designed, and operated, injection wells are a safe and responsible environmental management option for industries seeking permanent disposal of liquid and emission byproducts. Using two types of deep injection wells, some with environmental stewardship and federal tax credits available, SCS Engineers explains.

Hydrogeologist and licensed Professional Geologist Stephanie Hill provides a plain language overview of how EPA-approved injection wells work, a simplified graphic to show where injection wells are useful, and the associated costs and time to implement an operational system using Class I wells for deep injection of liquids and Class VI wells for sequestering carbon dioxide.

Byproducts include industrial wastewater or leachates, among others, and, importantly, sequestering carbon dioxide to reduce greenhouse gases. With the rise of transportation costs and water treatment plant restrictions, more industries seek certainty to support business and environmental longevity. Consequently, there is an increasing interest in using injection well systems to manage waste liquids and leachate. The operation of injection wells permanently sequesters industrial byproducts and is a federal and state-preferred technology to protect underground drinking water sources.

SCS Carbon Sequestration and Deep Well Injection team co-leader Stephanie Hill explains how operating an injection well system at your facility may help insulate your business from increasing disposal costs and serves as a responsible environmental management option.


Watch An Overview of Carbon Sequestration and Deep Well Injection for Industry.


Additional Resources:





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

October 2, 2023

Carrie Ridley

SCS Engineers is thrilled to welcome Carrie Ridley to the Wichita, Kansas, office. Carrie is a licensed professional geologist joining us from the Kansas Geological Survey, where she held Project Manager and Principal Investigator roles for Department of Energy projects. These projects focused on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, and investigation into Critical Minerals.

Prior to that, she spent four years as the Geology and Well Technology Chief within the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. There, she managed the federally designated UIC 1422 program, the Underground Hydrocarbon Storage and Water Well Contractors programs. Prior to UIC work, she worked for six years with the RCRA program in the Bureau of Waste Management as a project manager.  Carrie spent ten years with the Kansas Department of Transportation in the Topeka Geology office to begin her career after receiving her MS degree from Kansas State University.

Carrie brings extensive knowledge of state and federal funding, project development, and contracting programs. We are excited to have her join our Deep Well Injection and Carbon Sequestration team.

Monte Markley, our Deep Well and Carbon Sequestration National Expert states, “We are excited to have Carrie join SCS; her extensive knowledge of the UIC universe will benefit our clients and further strengthen our team.”


If you’d like to work with experts such as Carrie Ridley on work to preserve our quality of life – visit SCS.

Posted by Diane Samuels at 3:48 pm

September 25, 2023

net zero california
Public-private partnerships highlight the nation’s commitment to responsible carbon capture and storage practices by harnessing the potential of our natural surroundings to address climate change. Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta – a portion of the California Delta.


Taking a Critical Step Towards Net Zero Emissions Using Carbon Sequestration

The picturesque California Delta, often referred to as the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, is emerging as a geological sweet spot in California’s ambitious journey toward reaching net zero carbon emissions. Its unique geology presents a compelling case for carbon sequestration, an essential strategy in the battle against climate change. Recent developments, including a collaborative effort between SCS and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) on a Class VI permit application for Pelican Renewables – a company formed by Delta landowners and residents to pursue geologic storage – are indicative of the region’s growing importance in California’s carbon mitigation strategy.

Geological Foundations of Carbon Sequestration in the California Delta

The California Delta, often referred to as the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, is a vast inland delta formed by the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries as they meet the waters of the San Francisco Bay. Its unique geology makes it an ideal candidate for carbon sequestration:

  1. Sedimentary Riches: The Delta’s subsurface predominantly comprises thick sedimentary deposits. These layers of sediment offer substantial storage capacity for carbon dioxide, providing an opportunity to trap and store emissions safely underground.
  2. Aquifers Beneath: Deep beneath the Delta’s surface lie extensive brine aquifers, isolated from the atmosphere. These natural reservoirs can serve as secure carbon storage sites, with a proven ability to hold CO2 securely over geologic time.
  3. Stability Amidst Earthquakes: The Delta region is seismically inactive compared to other parts of California. This geological stability is vital for the long-term integrity of carbon storage sites.
  4. Proximity to CO2 Sources: The Delta’s strategic location in close proximity to many major emission sources, including industrial facilities and urban centers like Sacramento and San Francisco, reduces transportation costs and emissions associated with moving captured CO2.


California’s Net Zero Carbon Goal and Carbon Sequestration in the Delta

California has set an ambitious goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2045, a milestone in the fight against climate change. Achieving this objective necessitates reducing emissions and actively removing and storing carbon from the atmosphere. Carbon sequestration in the California Delta can play a pivotal role in this endeavor. The Delta’s geological potential aligns seamlessly with the state’s commitment to sustainable practices and environmental responsibility.

Collaborative Efforts: SCS and LLNL’s Support for Pelican Renewables’ Class VI Permit Application

The collaboration between SCS Engineers and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) that supported geologic characterization, modeling, and CO2 injection simulation for Pelican Renewables’ injection well application underscores the importance of pursuing carbon sequestration in the California Delta. The Class VI permit application underlines Pelican’s commitment to conducting carbon capture and storage (CCS) activities with the highest safety and environmental standards. This initiative is a testament to the growing synergy between scientific research and private enterprise in addressing climate challenges.

References and Further Reading

For a deeper dive into California’s carbon removal options for reaching net zero, “Getting to Neutral” by LLNL is a valuable resource. This publication outlines the various strategies and technologies under research to achieve California’s ambitious carbon reduction goals, including carbon sequestration in regions like the California Delta. The most recent “Scoping Plan” by the California Air Resources Board – the state’s policy blueprint for achieving its climate goals – underscores the need to capture and store CO2 from large sources and the atmosphere.

Our Conclusions

The California Delta’s geological attributes make it an attractive destination for carbon sequestration, a critical component in California’s mission to achieve net zero carbon emissions. Collaborative endeavors like SCS’s ongoing partnership with LLNL and Pelican Renewables highlight the commitment to responsible carbon capture and storage practices. As we continue to innovate and harness the potential of our natural surroundings, the California Delta’s role in addressing climate change becomes increasingly evident and essential.


Carbon Sequestration Considerations & Resources


gary vancilAbout the Author: Gary Vancil is an SCS project director and geologist supporting the environmental firm’s safe carbon sequestration and deep well injection practice. He earned his MS and BS in Geosciences with an emphasis in resource geology at Southern Illinois University of Carbondale. Mr. Vancil’s expertise also covers resource development, extraction, and mining sub-surface investigations for the nation’s largest privately held mining company. If you’d like to learn more or have questions, reach Gary at or LinkedIn.



Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

September 22, 2023

epa cleanup grants
Revitalize your community!


Millions in FY24 Brownfields Grants Available – Deadline for Submissions is November 13, 2023

EPA anticipates awarding an estimated 60 Community-wide Assessment Grants for an estimated total of $30 million, subject to the quality of applications received, availability of funds, and other applicable considerations.

A Community-wide Assessment Grant is appropriate for communities beginning to address their brownfield challenges and for communities with ongoing efforts to bring sites into productive reuse. The project period for Community-wide Assessment Grants is up to four years.

Open EPA Brownfields Grant Funding Opportunities in FY24  — Applications for each are due November 13, 2023

FY 2024 Technical Assistance to Tribal Nations and Entities Addressing Brownfields Grant $4 million, with a $4 m ceiling, one grant expected

FY 2024 Multipurpose Grants $20 million, with a $1 m ceiling, 20 grants expected

FY 2024 Community-wide Assessment Grants $30 million, with a $.5 m ceiling, 60 grants expected

FY 2024 Assessment Coalition Grants  $40 million, with a $1.5 m ceiling, 26 grants expected

FY 2024 Community-wide Assessment Grants for States and Tribes $50 million, with a $2 m ceiling, 25 grants expected

FY 2024 Cleanup Grants $95 million, with a $5 m ceiling, 65 grants expected

The closing date and time for receipt of applications is November 13, 2023, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET). You must submit applications through https://www.grants.gov/. Please take a look at the Due Date and Submission Instructions in Section IV.B. and Appendix 1 for more instructions.


Please contact your EPA regional support staff or SCS Engineers at for help. We’re happy to help answer questions.




Posted by Diane Samuels at 12:11 pm

September 20, 2023

ghg grant program

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the availability of up to $4.6 billion of competitive grants. The grants are broken into two funding opportunities. The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) competition is designed to incentivize eligible applicants to apply for funding together as a coalition to implement GHG reduction measures regionally, across multiple municipalities, state boundaries, or even state and tribal boundaries. It includes funding for enhancing carbon removal, too.


Deadlines to Apply for Grants to Implement GHG Reduction

Under Funding Opportunity Number EPA-R-OAR-CPRGT-23-07, EPA announces approximately $4.3 billion for a general competition open to states, municipalities, air pollution control agencies, tribes, and territories for CPRG implementation grants. Tribes and territories interested in the general competition should seek the CPRG implementation grant “general competition” NOFO for more information. Applications for this implementation grants competition for tribes and territories are due on May 1, 2024.

Another $300 million for the CPRG implementation grants competition is exclusively for tribes and territories. Lead organizations for tribes and territories must submit their Priority Climate Action Plans to EPA by the deadline of April 1, 2024, in order for lead organizations and other eligible applicants under this announcement to submit grant applications to fund measures contained in those plans. EPA anticipates awarding approximately 25 to 100 grants ranging between $1 million and $25 million under this tribes and territories competition. Further detail on award tiers can be found in Table 1 of Section II.B.


Climate Change Disruptions

As the US faces the increasingly harmful impacts of climate change, communities are experiencing more deadly wildfires and storm surges, more extreme drought and water scarcity, and dangerous levels of flooding, among other impacts. The Fourth National Climate Assessment found that intense extreme weather, climate-related events, and changes in average climate conditions are expected to continue damaging infrastructure, ecosystems, and social systems that provide essential benefits to communities. If left unchecked, future climate change is expected to disrupt many areas of life further and exacerbate existing challenges to prosperity posed by aging and deteriorating infrastructure, stressed ecosystems, and long-standing inequalities.

Grants to Support Your Communities

Our country’s daunting challenge comes with an opportunity to invest in a cleaner economy that will spur innovation and economic growth while building more equitable, resilient communities. Accordingly, the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program is designed to achieve the following goals:

1. Implement ambitious measures that will achieve significant cumulative GHG reductions by 2030 and beyond;
2. Pursue measures that will achieve substantial community benefits (such as reduction of criteria air pollutants (CAPs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs));
3. Complement other funding sources to maximize these GHG reductions and community benefits; and,
4. Pursue innovative policies and programs that are replicable and can be “scaled up” across multiple jurisdictions.

What Qualifies as a GHG Reduction Measure?

Treatments and solutions that reduce GHG emissions or enhance carbon removal can qualify. Measures that enhance carbon removal increase carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere through, for example, the uptake of carbon and storage. Other measures may include EPA-approved technologies. Documentation must be provided to support the estimated GHG emission reductions for each proposed measure. Depending upon the proposed solution, you’ll need a well-conceived plan and data from a reliable environmental engineer or an environmental or sustainability consultant.

Who’s Eligible?

Eligible applicants for the CPRG implementation grants competitions are lead organizations for CPRG planning grants and other executive branch-level agencies, offices, and departments in states, D.C., Puerto Rico, municipalities, tribes, tribal consortia, territories, and groups of such entities applying for funding to implement measures contained in one or more applicable Priority Climate Action Plan developed with funding from a CPRG planning grant.

Additional Resources


EPA will host overview webinars for each implementation grant competition for eligible applicants and other interested parties over the coming weeks. All sessions will be one hour long. EPA will post recordings of each webinar to the CPRG website. You can click the links below to register for one or more scheduled sessions.

Date         Time (ET)     Event Topic                                                                                Register
Sept. 21   2:30 pm General competition webinar Register here 
Sept. 27   2:00 pm Tribe and territories only competition webinar Register here 
Oct. 3   3:00 pm General competition webinar (repeat) Register here
Oct. 5   1:00 pm Tribe and territories only competition webinar (repeat) Register here



Posted by Diane Samuels at 3:31 pm

September 14, 2023

SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting
Managing and Treating PFAS and Lithium


On August 17, 2023, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the first of twelve datasets (representing approximately 7% of the total data that it plans to collect) on 29 polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and lithium (an alkali metal) in our nation’s drinking water. This sampling will continue through 2026, and is the latest action delivering on the EPA PFAS Strategic Roadmap, which dictates that PFAS (an emerging contaminant pending regulations under CERCLA) requires a multi-agency approach and specific actionable steps to assess risks to human and environmental health better, hold polluters accountable, and identify the extent of the problem.

Monitoring PFAS and lithium is currently under the fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5). The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires that the EPA issue a list of unregulated but potentially harmful contaminants every five years and devise a protocol for monitoring those contaminants in public water systems (PWSs).

The current UCMR 5 regulatory framework allows for collecting PFAS and lithium data throughout the United States. It aims to create science-based decision-making regarding how to address these chemicals best. Results, which will get quarterly updates, can be reviewed by the public on the EPA’s National Contaminant Occurrence Database.

While there is not currently a final drinking water standard in place for PFAS, EPA has already issued health advisories for four PFAS compounds, and two of them – perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) – have also been proposed for entry as hazardous substances under CERCLA, as of March 2023. The timeline for the final rule on PFAS CERCLA designation is now February 2024. Landfills and other passive receivers are seeking relief from CERCLA contribution litigation prior to designating PFAS as hazardous substances, as they have no control over the use and disposal of hundreds of thousands of products containing PFOA and PFOS.

This first set of data does appear to raise some red flags, though it is not uniformly indicative of widespread contamination. In Missouri, for example, 1,923 distinct water samples were obtained from 22 different PWSs (from a mix of wells and treatment plants) in communities throughout the state. Of these samples, 23 are scattered between 11 facilities containing lithium at concentrations in excess of the laboratory Method Reporting Limit (MRL) of 9 micrograms per liter (µg/L), some by many orders of magnitude. Only two PFAS compounds (PFOS and PFHxS) are above their MRLs (0.004 µg/L and 0.003 µg/L, respectively), both from the North Rodeo Well of the Camdenton PWS.

This data will ultimately be immensely useful for public sector officials trying to make policy decisions regarding PFAS and lithium management, fine-tuning community engagement/education efforts, and for private sector industries seeking to get a handle on potential liabilities. SCS Engineers and other qualified environmental firms are poised to be essential partners to national leaders in identifying and remedying emerging contaminants such as PFAS. Many technologies proven to work on a large scale are available, with more promising technologies on the horizon.


Find additional regulatory information using the links below:


Impacts on Sectors and Treatments:


Rachel McShaneAbout the Author: Rachel McShane, LEP, has over 15 years of experience in environmental due diligence projects (Phase I, II and III Environmental Site Assessments) as well as Brownfields redevelopment, risk-based corrective action, and remediation projects. She is familiar with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental assessments, vapor investigations and mitigation, radon, asbestos, lead-based paint surveys, and leachate monitoring/solid waste management. Reach Ms. McShane at  or via LinkedIn.

Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

September 12, 2023

CO2 Storage Efficiency
Ensure your investment for the most appropriate storage efficiencies for sustainability.


In her paper, Utilizing Multiphase Flow Modeling to Estimate CO2 Solution Storage Efficiency and Sequestration Project Size, author Kacey Garber discusses how developing an understanding of CO2 storage efficiency and CO2 capacity estimates for a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project will help you properly scope your project location and therefore maximize the benefits CCS has to offer.

The storage component of a CCS project requires a Class VI Underground Injection Control permit to inject supercritical CO2. These permits require multiphase flow modeling to delineate both the extent of the injected supercritical CO2 and areas that exceed a critical pressure threshold as a result of injection. SCS has found this modeling to also be valuable during project scoping to provide a sense of the total CO2 storage capacity for a given project.

Kacey walks through a case study that utilized a multiphase flow model to investigate what operational parameters would lead to the most efficient use of pore space for a CCS project in development. This included examining the effects of different injection rates, durations, and locations and investigating multi-injection well scenarios. This case study ultimately shows that a multiphase flow model will help you meet the requirements for your Class VI injection well permit application; it will also help you right-size your CCS project during the planning phase. Incorporating project-specific considerations into the model will help you identify operational conditions ideal for maximizing CO2 storage efficiency.


Read, print, share the paper, Utilizing Multiphase Flow Modeling to Estimate CO2 Solution Storage Efficiency and Sequestration Project Size.


Additional Resources:








Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

August 25, 2023

Carbon Sequestration

Many companies are exploring carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) to help reach greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. Protecting aquifers is a primary concern for the public to safeguard underground drinking water sources. Starting with near-surface background environmental monitoring is the first step to addressing public concerns and maintaining safety.

A comprehensive monitoring plan helps preserve the safest conditions and can save time and expense during injection and post-closure care. This SCS Engineers webinar explains the concepts, how it protects aquifers, and what to look for in a background monitoring plan. Establishing baseline conditions before injection is the first step. Starting immediately after submitting the Class VI permit application, during the regulatory technical review period provides the time to take these important baseline measurements.

Dr. Charles HostetlerDr. Charles Hostetler, with nearly four decades of experience as an engineer and hydrogeologist protecting aquifers, explains why near-surface monitoring is important to meet demands for addressing environmental concerns during the design and operation of a CCS project. His expertise helps protect aquifers and save time during the design, build, and operation of CCS wells through closure.

Click here to watch Near Surface Environmental Monitoring: Background for Shallow Drinking Water and Protecting Aquifers




Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

August 18, 2023

Dr. Siamak Modarresi
Dr. Siamak Modarresi joins SCS Engineers supporting its Landfill Leachate and Industrial Wastewater Treatment teams throughout North America.


Siamak Modarresi joins SCS Engineers in our Bellevue, Washington, office location as the newest member of our Environmental Services practice. Modarresi supports SCS’s Landfill Leachate and Industrial Wastewater Treatment teams throughout North America.

Modarresi earned his BS and MS in Chemical Engineering and obtained his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Washington. He has his PE in Chemical Engineering in California.

He most recently worked for a global sustainability firm providing design and project management for membrane bioreactor (MBR) treatment systems. This experience and knowledge translate as direct value to SCS’s clients, who face strict regulatory wastewater laws, emerging contaminants, and increasing costs for operational pretreatment systems.

Water fulfills critical functions in all industries, but much of the water results in industrial wastewater. Every effort is made to reduce water usage and treat wastewater to make it reusable or safe to discharge. Recycling wastewater is a feasible, cost-effective option. Newer, industrial water purification technologies that scale and are field-proven make it economically and environmentally feasible. Following treatment, wastewater can become an asset instead of a potential liability.

“SCS handles these complex projects, including developing pretreatment systems for FOG, ammonia, heavy metals, high-strength wastewaters and leachates, and mixed waste streams,” said Greg Helland, vice president, and the northwest region business director. “Membrane bioreactors treat high organic strength wastewaters, and anaerobic MBRs can provide a revenue source as renewable energy; that’s where Siamak’s industry expertise supplements our teams’ value.”


Welcome to SCS, Siamak!


Additional Information and Opportunities




Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

August 14, 2023

Carbon Capture Storage Sequestration SCS Engineers
Lower your carbon footprint with the help of this SCS educational video series.


Class VI Underground Injection Control Well Permitting is Part III of our video series on Carbon Capture and Storage. Cutting through red tape and regulatory barriers is key to keeping the permitting process on track for your Class VI UIC well. There are steps you can take to prevent delays and meet key regulatory requirements.

Watch the SCS’s Carbon Capture and Storage webinar to learn more about each phase of the permitting process and how to keep each running smoothly. Carbon capture and storage is an EPA-approved technology companies are exploring to help them reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and understanding the permitting process is key as you plan your project. In this chapter you’ll get answers to these questions:

  • What are the steps to permit a Class VI UIC well, and what does the cost curve look like?
  • When should you start each step to make sure you’re ready for the next one?
  • What are the common pain points in the Class VI well permitting process and how can you mitigate them?

Your business does not have to be in Illinois to learn from these educational webinars. If you’re ready to explore the benefits of carbon capture and storage but concerned you’ll get delayed by the ins and outs of the Class VI UIC well permitting process, watch Patty Herman’s video to learn more, or contact your local SCS office for a consultation.


Click to watch The Class VI UIC Well Permitting Process


Patty HermanPatty Herman graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with a Master of Science in Biological Sciences. Working in diverse and unique habitats enhances her awareness of the ecosystem’s fragility and the need to protect it, especially for agencies during the permitting process. During graduate school, she was selected by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for the Natural Heritage Residency program. The residency provided exposure to resource management in both public and private sectors, interacting with many federal, state, and local agencies, as well as NGOs and landowners. She writes and executes management plans and permits using her intensive experience in land management techniques. She has the unique ability to find common ground with stakeholders, agencies, and the public in safe land management for industrial and manufacturing.


Additional Resources:


Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am