earth day near

April 19, 2023

The professionals at SCS recommend these fun Earth Day and everyday activities… 

Earth Day
Students from 16 area elementary schools learned about the environment on a fun-filled day at Monarch Hill Renewable Energy Park.

Click to find an Earth Day event near you.

Take Action:

Play with ReFED’s interactive, fun, and educational tool!  

ReFED Insights EngineEarth Day is a great time to remind you that food waste reduction is a top climate change strategy! As you’ll see in this addicting, educational, and fun ReFED tool – everyone helps make a difference. Every small change citizens and businesses make has a major impact on our planet’s health and well-being. Try it out and see how we are building solutions to reduce the 91 million tons of surplus food annually in the U.S.

The ReFED Insights Engine offers the most comprehensive examination of food waste in the United States by incorporating current data from a variety of sources, including public and proprietary datasets, expert interviews, case studies, and industry research. This powerful engine has several components, including:

Food Waste Monitor – A centralized repository of information built with data from more than 50 public and proprietary datasets and providing granular estimates of how much food goes uneaten in the U.S., why it’s happening, and where it goes.

Solutions Database – A stakeholder-specific, comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of 40+ food waste reduction solutions based on a range of impact goals, plus detailed fact sheets on each.

Impact Calculator – An interactive resource that quantifies the greenhouse gas emissions reduction, water savings, and donated meal recovery potential of different food surplus management scenarios in the U.S. by sector and food type.

Capital Tracker – A dashboard to monitor the flow of capital into food waste innovation, allowing users to understand the landscape, identify key players, and plan out future funding strategies.


Use a reusable water bottle, drinking straws, and shopping bags.

plastic bag recyclingAround 380 million metric tons of plastic are being produced yearly; that’s roughly the same as the entire weight of humanity. Approximately 91% of plastic is not recycled. Roughly half of our global annual plastic production is destined for a single-use product.

The average per person use is astounding; some can take 1,000 years to disintegrate.

Think of the money you’ll save along with planet Earth!

Join SCS Engineers in helping to make our planet safer and sustainable.



Posted by Diane Samuels at 11:06 am
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