cost effective recycling

March 8, 2019

Learn how four municipalities are finding ways to lower their operational costs to balance the rising cost of recycling.

Three distinguished recycling experts describe how cities from Kirkland, Washington to Oklahoma City to Virginia Beach and Chesapeake have taken action to lower their operational costs, offsetting the cost of recycling. Each city takes a different approach, but all are using sound strategies to balance the books successfully and sustainably.

Karen Luken
Karen Luken, CEO, Economic Environmental Solutions, provides an overview of the Chinese Sword, collection and processing options to increase efficiency, strategies to decrease contamination.
Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner, Senior Vice President, SCS Engineers, offers case studies from four cities that are focusing on collection and processing to increase efficiency, offsetting the cost of the Chinese sword.
Eric MacDonald
Eric MacDonald, Zero Waste Analyst, Phoenix Public Works Department, presents the City of Phoenix’s approach for reducing contamination and marketing recyclables from the MRF in light of the Chinese Sword.












APWA Click-Listen-Learn event details and registration – March 14
11:00 am Eastern | 10:00 am Central | 9:00 am Mountain | 8:00 am Pacific

Participants will learn:

  • The current status of China’s import policies
  • How municipalities have offset higher recycling processing fees by decreasing collection costs through technology and routing efficiency
  • Identify strategies to reduce contamination in recyclables
  • Using the benefits of automation in solid waste management
  • Recognizing how automation can improve safety


Participants may earn CEU credit for attending during the Test Your Knowledge portion of the program evaluation.

APWA encourages group participation and follows up as part of their program to Continue the Conversation promoting a deeper understanding of how these solutions relate directly to your responsibilities, agency or department, and city.

Free to all APWA Members  |  Fee for others is $99





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

February 26, 2019

Learn how four municipalities are finding ways to lower their operational costs to balance the rising cost of recycling.

Three distinguished recycling experts describe how cities from Kirkland, Washington to Oklahoma City to Virginia Beach and Chesapeake have taken action to lower their operational costs, offsetting the cost of recycling. Each city takes a slightly different approach, but all are using the same strategies to balance the books successfully and sustainably.

Karen Luken
Karen Luken, CEO, Economic Environmental Solutions, provides an overview of the Chinese Sword, collection and processing options to increase efficiency, strategies to decrease contamination.
Bob Gardner
Robert Gardner, Senior Vice President, SCS Engineers, offers case studies from four cities that are focusing on collection and processing to increase efficiency, offsetting the cost of the Chinese sword.
Eric MacDonald
Eric MacDonald, Zero Waste Analyst, Phoenix Public Works Department, presents the City of Phoenix’s approach for reducing contamination and marketing recyclables from the MRF in light of the Chinese Sword.












APWA Click-Listen-Learn event details and registration – March 14
11:00 am Eastern | 10:00 am Central | 9:00 am Mountain | 8:00 am Pacific

Participants will learn:

  • The current status of China’s import policies
  • How municipalities have offset higher recycling processing fees by decreasing collection costs through technology and routing efficiency
  • Identify strategies to reduce contamination in recyclables
  • Using the benefits of automation in solid waste management
  • Recognizing how automation can improve safety


Participants may earn CEU credit for attending during the Test Your Knowledge portion of the program evaluation.

APWA encourages group participation and follows up as part of their program to Continue the Conversation promoting a deeper understanding of how these solutions relate directly to your responsibilities, agency or department, and city.

Free to all APWA Members  |  Fee for others is $99





Posted by Diane Samuels at 11:09 am
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