brownfields grants

May 24, 2023

SCS Engineers Voluntary Remediation
Melissa Schick helps develop valuable economic and natural resources for communities.


SCS Engineers welcomes Melissa Schick to the environmental firm’s Brownfields and Voluntary Remediation practice, which works nationwide, supporting municipal and public/private sector ventures to remediate previously thought unusable properties back to life.

These properties are not exclusively but often found in urban areas with existing supporting infrastructure. New technologies and environmental processes can turn these well-situated properties safe again for almost any redevelopment purpose, whether housing, recreational facilities, retail/office, or logistics centers.

Schick brings her knowledge of state and federal brownfield redevelopment and voluntary remediation cleanup program regulations. She specializes in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Regions 3, 4, and 6, supporting the grant application process or overseeing the implementation of USEPA assessment and cleanup grants which provide funds for municipalities to redevelop sites.

Since brownfields and voluntary remediation create valuable economic and natural resources for communities, clients find her experience coordinating communications, outreach, and educational events helpful. As this work demands, Schick often focuses on improving the communications between private developers, regulatory agencies, community leaders, and other partners to smooth project implementation, keeping projects on track and within budget.

“Importantly, Melissa is an ethical and caring person whose work in communities matters to her,” states Kirk Blevins, SCS Project Director. “As a local environmental engineering and consulting firm, she enhances our national practice as a detail-oriented resource to augment communications, outreach, and reporting for comprehensive and cohesive project success.”

Schick has professional affiliations with the Florida Brownfield Association – Board of Directors, the Society of American Military Engineers, and the Florida Association of Environmental Professionals.

We welcome you to learn more about Melissa Schick’s work, background, and education in land remediation services on the SCS website.


Additional Resources:


Posted by Diane Samuels at 8:50 am

June 10, 2021

brownfields redevelopment - SCS Engineers
See below for more brownfields resources to organize, educate, and implement plans in your community.


A Nebraska city earned an $800,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency. The City of Lincoln plans to use the grant to assess and clean up brownfield sites, including up to 10 acres of land city officials hope to use for self-sustaining urban agriculture projects.

Officials plan to create a self-sustaining urban agricultural area in two adjacent 5-acre parcels for lease by local farmers. Lincoln can begin moving local food production into commercial use by local businesses.

In a recent Journal Star article, Tim Rinne, chairman of the Lincoln-Lancaster County Food Policy Council, said, “Rather than continuing to rely exclusively on drought-stricken and wildfire-plagued California to produce the bulk of our produce, or waiting for the next breakdown of our national food distribution network like we saw with the COVID-19 crisis, Lincoln’s city government leadership is taking the visionary and cautionary step of building a resilient local food system.”

The planned agricultural use also helps protect surrounding developments. The five-year grant will help the city assess four other sites in the area and could support cleanup plans at two more sites.



Brownfields Resources to Organize, Educate, and Implement Plans in Your Community






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

December 16, 2020

land recycling

At SCS, we’re proud that our services, vision, and corporate citizenship support community revitalization through brownfield redevelopment and land reuse.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2017 estimated that roughly 40 percent of all Americans, including a quarter of all children, live within 3 miles of a brownfield site that has received EPA funding. This is a conservative estimate, as only 5.5% of brownfields nationwide have benefited from EPA resources. But these striking numbers clarify the degree to which remediating and repurposing contaminated and underutilized properties has transformative potential to protect our residents’ health and safety.

SCS firmly believes that all blighted, abandoned, and underutilized properties have a future as community assets. We support this vision through the services we provide as well as through our corporate citizenship. The partnership of SCS technology and environmental know-how with CCLR is powerful. There is no shortage of possibilities for brownfields now; ski resorts, parks, mixed-use properties, solar farms, really almost any infrastructure is possible.

SCS is proud to support the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR, or “See Clear”), the leading national nonprofit dedicated to transforming communities through land recycling. Over the past two decades, CCLR has convened, navigated, and influenced the redevelopment industry. Their programs educate the public and community stakeholders to clean up and repurpose underutilized and environmentally impacted properties in a sustainable, equitable and responsible manner.

brownfield recycling

CCLR and SCS share the belief that with the right training, incentives, and conditions — chiefly, an active corporate partner/investor, community support, and municipal leadership — the redevelopment of brownfields changes communities for the better.  CCLR has produced two videos, About CCLR and What is Land Recycling?, which provide important perspectives about CCLR’s mission and accomplishments.

Dan Johnson, Jim Ritchie, and  Amy Dzialowski are among the SCS staff who have worked with CCLR. They have spoken on panels at CCLR’s California Land Recycling Conference, participated in vapor intrusion study groups, teamed with CCLR on providing technical support to West Sacramento and other municipalities, and serve on the planning committee for the Brownfields 2021 Conference together.

brownfield land recyclingAt SCS, we understand that brownfield redevelopment is inherently complex and multifaceted, and we appreciate that productive, successful land recycling requires all hands on deck. We’re proud to play a part on the road to redevelopment and thank CCLR for their national leadership in transforming communities through land recycling.


For more information about CCLR, brownfields, and property remediation, contact , or Jean Hamerman, Acting Executive Director of CCLR.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

September 21, 2020

EPA Brownfields grant

Shown here COMM22, developed by BRIDGE-Housing, is an award-winning mixed-use, mixed-income, transit-oriented development located at Commercial and 22nd streets in San Diego. SCS’s environmental remediation of the property to ensure human health and the environment were protected as cost-effectively as possible enabled the four-phase development project; supporting both the social and business goals of our client and the community.

Many things have been put on hold, but your plans for community revitalization and economic resilience are still critically important. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Grant applications are due October 28, 2020.

Local governments and non-profits use Brownfields grants to complete environmental assessments, redevelopment planning, and environmental cleanup. The grant opportunities available now are as follows:

Brownfields Assessment Grant– for Brownfields inventories, environmental assessment, redevelopment planning, and cleanup planning. Funding amounts of $300,000 for community-wide and $600,000 for coalitions.

Brownfields Cleanup Grant– for environmental cleanup of a specific property or properties, currently owned by the applicant. Funding amounts up to $500,000

Brownfields Multi-Purpose Grant-for a range of activities including redevelopment planning, inventories, environmental assessment, and environmental cleanup. Funding amounts up to $800,000.

SCS Engineers has provided grant writing and implementation services for over $10 million in successful Brownfields grant applications including an 80% success rate for first-time applications and over 90% success rate for second round applications. Our Brownfields team is ready to support your grant application effort too. We will work with you to understand the EPA Brownfields grant opportunities and support your development of a successful proposal.

SCS Engineers is a national environmental consulting and contracting company with local experts.  We serve as Brownfields’ consultants for many public and private sector clients. Find more inspiration and economic redevelopment successes across our nation:


Dan JohnsonContact Dan Johnson, Mr. Johnson brings 35 years of experience and over 200 EPA contracts he’s managed to support your grant application. He is a nationally recognized Brownfield expert and author; current practices regarding environmental assessments; speaks or chairs numerous conferences on hazardous waste issues related to real estate transactions and Brownfields redevelopment.


Amy DzialowskiContact Amy Dzialowski, Ms. Dzialowski is a nationally recognized expert in Brownfields redevelopment, site reuse, and planning. She has supported grant applications and Brownfield implementation for dozens of communities.


Ray TierneyContact Ray Tierney, Mr. Tierney is a Professional Geologist with over 30 years of experience in environmental and sustainability engineering and has helped a wide range of organizations control and reduce their legacy environmental impacts and liabilities, lower their costs, obtain grants for Brownfields, and implement cost-saving practices.


Kirk BlevinsKirk Blevins, Mr. Blevins is experienced in land development and redevelopment support, due diligence for property transactions, Brownfield redevelopment, environmental compliance auditing, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) sites.


Find a Brownfields consultant near you, try our staff directory where you can search by specialty, city, and state.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

September 10, 2020

environmental remediation

Shown here COMM22, developed by BRIDGE-Housing, is an award-winning mixed-use, mixed-income, transit-oriented development located at Commercial and 22nd streets in San Diego. SCS’s environmental remediation of the property to ensure human health and the environment were protected as cost-effectively as possible enabled the four-phase development project; supporting both the social and business goals of our client and the community.

Many things have been put on hold, but your plans for community revitalization and economic resilience are still critically important. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Grant applications have been announced and are due October 28, 2020.

Local governments and non-profits use these grants to complete environmental assessments, redevelopment planning, and environmental cleanup. The grant opportunities available now are as follows:

Brownfields Assessment Grant– for Brownfields inventories, environmental assessment, redevelopment planning, and cleanup planning. Funding amounts of $300,000 for community-wide and $600,000 for coalitions.

Brownfields Cleanup Grant– for environmental cleanup of a specific property or properties, currently owned by the applicant. Funding amounts up to $500,000

Brownfields Multi-Purpose Grant-for a range of activities including redevelopment planning, inventories, environmental assessment, and environmental cleanup. Funding amounts up to $800,000.

SCS Engineers has provided grant writing and implementation services for over $10 million in successful Brownfields grant applications including an 80% success rate for first-time applications and over 90% success rate for second round applications. Our Brownfields team is ready to support your grant application effort too. We will work with you to understand the EPA Brownfields grant opportunities and support your development of a successful proposal.

SCS Engineers is a national environmental consulting and contracting company with local experts.  We serve as Brownfields’ consultants for many public and private sector clients. Find more inspiration and economic redevelopment successes across our nation:


Dan JohnsonContact Dan Johnson, Mr. Johnson brings 35 years of experience and over 200 EPA contracts he’s managed to support your grant application. He is a nationally recognized Brownfield expert and author; current practices regarding environmental assessments; speaks or chairs numerous conferences on hazardous waste issues related to real estate transactions and Brownfields redevelopment.


Amy DzialowskiContact Amy Dzialowski, Ms. Dzialowski is a nationally recognized expert in Brownfields redevelopment, site reuse, and planning. She has supported grant applications and Brownfield implementation for dozens of communities.


Ray TierneyContact Ray Tierney, Mr. Tierney is a Professional Geologist with over 30 years of experience in environmental and sustainability engineering and has helped a wide range of organizations control and reduce their legacy environmental impacts and liabilities, lower their costs, obtain grants for Brownfields, and implement cost-saving practices.


Kirk BlevinsKirk Blevins, Mr. Blevins is experienced in land development and redevelopment support, due diligence for property transactions, Brownfield redevelopment, environmental compliance auditing, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) sites.


Find a Brownfields consultant near you, try our staff directory where you can search by specialty, city, and state.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

May 8, 2019

On May 1, 2019, the Department of Treasury published in the Federal Register its second set of proposed guidance related to the new Opportunity Zone tax incentive created by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Opportunity Zones are communities where new investments may be eligible for significant tax incentives. The incentive is designed to spur economic development and job creation. Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin said, “We are pleased to issue guidance that provides greater flexibility for communities and investors as we continue to encourage investment and development in Opportunity Zones…This incentive will foster economic revitalization, create jobs and spur economic growth that will move these communities forward and create a brighter future.”

The second set of guidance defines the meaning of “substantially all” where at least 70 percent of the tangible property owned or leased by a trade or business is qualified opportunity zone (QOZ) business property and similarly, that “use” is satisfied if at least 70 percent of the property is located within a QOZ. The guidance also clarifies that sales or dispositions of assets by a Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) do not impact in any way investors’ holding periods in their qualifying investments or trigger the inclusion of any deferred gain reflected in such qualifying investments so long as they do not sell or otherwise dispose of their qualifying investment for purposes of section 1400Z-2(b). According to the guidance, a QOF has 12 months from the time of the sale or disposition or the return of capital to reinvest the proceeds in other QOZ property before the proceeds would not be considered QOZ property with regards to the 90-percent asset test.

As many of the Opportunity Zones will be designated in areas containing Brownfields redevelopment opportunities, SCS expects many of our clients will be interested in this opportunity to do well by doing good. If you are interested in investing in a potential brownfield site, contact SCS Engineers to help you evaluate and manage environmental concerns associated with your site. Visit to learn more.

The following are links to the press release and second set of proposed guidance:

U.S. Department of Treasury Press Release

Proposed Rule by the Internal Revenue Service on 05/01/2019

Within a few months, the Department of Treasury and the IRS expect to address the administrative rules that would apply to a QOF that does not maintain the required 90 percent investment standard as well as information-reporting requirements. SCS will provide an update when this information becomes available.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

December 4, 2018


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes grant application guidance for Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup, and the new Multipurpose Grants.

$50 million+ will be made available this year.

With the passage of the BUILD Act this year, there are important changes to the grant applications including special consideration given to communities and projects on any waterfronts or floodplains. There are three categories of opportunities for Brownfield grant funding, as follows:

Multipurpose Grants – each proposal is funded up to $800,000 over five years. EPA anticipates selecting ten proposals.

Assessment Grants – Community-wide and Site-specific proposals are each funded up to $200,000 over three years; Assessment Coalition proposals are funded up to $600,000 over three years. EPA anticipates selecting 114 proposals.

Cleanup Grants each proposal funded up to $500,000 over three years. EPA anticipates selecting 40 proposals. Brownfield sites where EPA Cleanup Grant funds were previously expended may not receive additional EPA Cleanup Grant funding in FY 2019.

 EPA is hosting a webinar on December 11, 2018, at 2 pm (ET). The webinar is to assist applicants with understanding the Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup Grant Guidelines. Participants can join the audio conference line at 1-866-299-3188 using access code: 202-566-1817, and the web conference at

SCS Engineers routinely and successfully supports our clients with Brownfield’s grant writing and grant application reviews, in addition to our Brownfields and Remediation Services.

Applications are due by January 31, 2019. Please contact Amy Dzialowski, our Brownfields Grant Specialist or if you have a property or redevelopment district that you think is a good fit for pursuing these funds, or for a conversation regarding this program.

Amy Dzialowski

Amy Dzialowski, Project Director, and SCS’s Brownfields Grants National Expert

Brownfields and Voluntary Remediation Experts: Mike McLaughlin, Sr. VP, and Dan Johnson, VP.







Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am