Ammonia Refrigeration Management

September 22, 2021

IIAR2 for design, IIAR4 for installation!
IIAR2 for design, IIAR4 for installation!


Most everyone is familiar with IIAR2, the American National Standard for Safe Design of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems. They will refer to it as the Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP) for our industry.

People often forget that IIAR2 is merely the RAGAGEP for the design of ammonia refrigeration systems, but not the installation. IIAR4-2020 is the current RAGAGEP for the installation of ammonia refrigeration systems. If we look through IIAR4, we find that it does, in fact, prohibit the practice of using sheet metal screws when installing insulation.

Section 8.1.11 states, “Screws, rivets, or any other jacket securement device that could pierce the underlying vapor retarder shall not be used. Only bands and seals shall be used to secure the jacketing.”

ammonia pipe insulation
Installation no-no – could lead to compliance issues.


Thanks to Bill Lape for this and more advice on avoiding Epic Fails.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

December 11, 2019

SCS Tracer Environmental has a diverse staff of instructors who provide practical, cost-effective ammonia refrigeration training and certification review courses.  Training can be provided on-site, at our new training classroom in Oakdale, Minnesota, or at one of our nationwide sessions.  Our training programs incorporate RETA, IIAR, manufacturers, field materials, facility-specific standard operating procedures, and/or piping and instrumentation diagrams.

Ammonia Refrigeration Operator Training

Ammonia Refrigeration Operator Training Programs use the applicable RETA Industrial Refrigeration (IR) 1 & 2 manuals, which participants keep at the conclusion of the classes. These intensive four-day classes are provided in locations across the nation (convenient for attendees to participate locally) or in our new Minnesota classroom.

Operator I: This course is based on the materials in RETA IR-1 Course and is designed as an entry-level training program for a refrigeration operator, manager, and/or safety personnel with limited refrigeration training, or experienced operators who have never received the basic fundamentals of refrigeration principles.  Operator I training is also offered in Spanish.

Operator II: This course is based on the material in RETA IR-2 Course and is designed for a refrigeration operator, manager, and/or safety personnel who have successfully completed the Operator I class and have a desire to further their knowledge in industrial refrigeration systems and principles using ammonia as a refrigerant.

PSM/RMP Introduction Training Class uses ammonia refrigeration-focused material specific to your PSM/RMP program and facility, RETA, IIAR, manufacturers, and field materials, as well as facility-specific standard operating procedures. We highlight the responsibilities of the various PSM/RMP Team Members that may include, but not be limited to, maintenance, safety, management, environmental, and/or facilities personnel:

  • PSM/RMP regulatory requirements
  • Ammonia awareness training
  • PSM/RMP Implementation strategies
  • Review / Complete required forms for various elements.

PSM/RMP Advanced Training Class is geared for experienced PSM Program Managers, Plant Managers, ammonia refrigeration facility compliance personnel, and safety-EHS staff who want a detailed review of the more complex regulatory requirements included in the PSM and RMP regulations. The class focuses on the complex details of the following elements: Process Safety Information (RAGAGEP), Standard Operating Procedures, Management of Change (Project planning through Pre Startup Safety Review (PSSR)), and Mechanical Integrity.

RETA CARO/CIRO Review Classes are intensive training designed for operators who are pursuing their RETA CARO or CIRO certification. Each course includes a review of the pertinent materials. During Day 2, participants receive a voucher to take the RETA Practice Test, a $60 value. Our instructors use the practice test results to customize the curriculum on Day 3 to focus on the more difficult concepts.


Learn more about SCS’s 2020 training schedule and registration.





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:02 am

January 28, 2019

Reflection, as a means of self-evaluation of the robustness of your refrigeration management system, is critical to the continuing success of your program.

Proper planning is another vital element of your program. Together, they will help ensure the continuing safety of you, your employees, and the public.

Bill Lape, a Certified Industrial Refrigeration Operator and a member of the National
Board of Directors of RETA is a Project Director for SCS Engineers.  In his most recent article,  Bill provides advice to use January and early February as a time of reflection and a planning period. We need to look closely at our ammonia refrigeration management programs, be they Process Safety Management (PSM) / Risk Management Plan (RMP) or Ammonia Refrigeration Management (ARM) for facilities with less than 10,000 pounds of
ammonia in their process.

Click to read the article, and thank you for interest in maintaining safety standards.

Process Safety Management,  Risk Managment Plans, Ammonia Refrigeration Management information.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am