ambient air monitoring

July 19, 2022

SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting
The 2022 NAAMC, sponsored by US EPA in conjunction with the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies and the National Association of Clean Air Agencies, is a must-attend event for federal, state, local, and tribal air pollution organizations involved with operating, planning, or managing air monitoring networks and reporting data to AQS, and AIRNOW.

In addition to essential training on air monitoring topics, these SCS Engineers professionals will present the following sessions:

Sergio Valenzuela – Quantifying Salton Sea’s Harmful PM During High Wind Events

This study analyzes the correlated TEOM data (centric to high wind event days) and PQ200 data in comparison with TEOM data during “clear” (≤5-mph) days to determine the concentration levels of PM created during high wind events. Also, the incorporation of wind rose diagrams, created using wind speed/direction data collected at meteorological towers, aids in understanding varying PM concentrations relative to their deployment site properties. This study provides an essential tool for understanding the amount of exposure that neighboring communities are experiencing during high wind events and how IID’s implemented mitigation efforts will look moving forward. Read the abstract.

Jose Landeros – Air Monitoring in Mexicali, Mexico. The Evolution of Air Pollution Monitoring in a Border City.

Advancements in technology have influenced the way air pollution is measured and how air pollution data is received, shared, and acted upon by stakeholders. Using Mexicali, México as an example, this presentation will review the evolution of the air pollution monitoring technologies used to measure and inform stakeholder actions. Stakeholders now can access real-time air quality data from platforms that integrate information from low-cost sensors and regulatory sites. The evolution of technology for measuring and presenting data has been remarkable – from large, manual, analog equipment to small, automated, digital equipment with communication systems that allow for real-time data access. Read the abstract.

Additional Resources:






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

June 13, 2022

Polyester in U.S. Landfills


Dr. Ketan Shah of SCS Engineers will present his paper and findings at the Air and Waste Management Association, 115th ACE-22 conference from June 27-30 in San Francisco, California. Methane generation, recovery, and emissions projections for biodegradable polyester fiber used to create clothing products are growing. This clothing will eventually be disposed of in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in the U.S. The scope of work described in this research project includes providing the methane estimates that discuss the data, assumptions, and calculation methods used to develop the estimates.








Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am
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