alpine village

October 2, 2020

Former landfill with post operative care by SCS Engineers is declared a historic landmark.

Locals continue enjoying a slice of Bavaria – beers, famous sausages, and baked goods while shopping and gathering safely for swap and holiday events.


The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors designated Alpine Village in Torrance, a Historic Landmark. The parking lot is a former landfill, and in the early ’70s, SCS Engineers designed building protection/sub-floor ventilation systems for several on-site structures. Once completed, SCS entered into contracts to monitor, maintain, prepare, and submit regulatory reports that the firm still performs well to this day.

“As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, Alpine Village is an example of one of SCS’s oldest and longest continuously running projects,” said President and CEO Jim Walsh. We’re proud that we provide valuable environmental services to businesses and communities.”

Dave Ross, Senior VP (retired), said, “This certainly underscores SCS’s longevity and sustained superior client service. I can recall the elation when we won the first LFG [landfill gas] monitoring job there…I completed one of the earliest rounds of [air] sampling on the roof of the main building.”

Learn more about SCS Engineers and the award-winning environmental services this employee-owned firm provides.





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am