Show Me the Money! Brownfield Redevelopment for Affordable Housing CA Conference

September 12, 2020

Brownfield Redevelopment for Affordable Housing CA Conference

Brownfields, particularly those in urban infill areas, can be successfully redeveloped into housing and other productive uses with significant benefits to the surrounding communities. Redeveloping brownfields is also an important strategy in addressing California’s affordable housing crisis.

However, funding for brownfield redevelopment falls well short of the need, which is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting impacts on budgets. But there is hope. Proposed legislation and budget requests for new sources of funding for brownfield redevelopment are proposed in excess of $100M. These policy shifts and resulting funding would make a big difference.

At the upcoming California Land Recycling Conference, several experts from the public and private sectors will share their insights and the latest information about these potential funding sources and opportunities for affordable housing and infill sites in California.

Moderated by Dan Johnson, Vice President & National Partner for Brownfield Redevelopment at SCS Engineers, the panelists are:

  • Janae Davis, Deputy Executive Director of the California Pollution Control Financing Authority
  • Diane Barclay, Assistant Deputy Director and UST Cleanup Fund Manager with the State Water Resources Control Board
  • Markus Niebanck, Principal with Amicus Strategic Environmental Consulting.

The conference is scheduled for Sept. 22-24, 2020. To join this interactive session, Sept. 23 from 2:15 to 3:00 PST, register at Non-profit and student tickets are $25, government tickets are $50, and General Admission is $75.


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Posted by Diane Samuels at 4:38 pm
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