landfill remote control

SCS Remote Monitoring and Control®, SCS RMC®

National Expert: Phil Carrillo

Business Contact: David Hostetter

Contact the SCS RMC® Technical Help or
After office hours and Sat/Sun support at 1-833-RMC-DESK (762-3375).


You’ve heard of the Internet of Things (IoT); SCS RMC® is the IoT for landfills, manufacturing, and industrial facilities that provides real-time viewing, analysis, and control of equipment and systems critical to production and safe operations remotely. SCS RMC® uses a network of sensors and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications to help minimize equipment downtime by alerting your team to maximize production or to an operational safety issue.

The system supports additional monitoring components as your site grows, providing facility owners and operators with a single secure application for their supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), data management, and reporting needs.

Combine sensors with our drone-based technologies to monitor landfill gas (LFG) emissions and detect leaks eliminating a significant portion of the manual effort from quarterly compliance while performing operations in a more safe and accurate manner. Captured emissions data is useful to optimize well fields, tackle odor issues and quantify emissions for renewable natural gas projects.

SCS RMC® is most valuable when reaction time is essential to avoid production downtime and continue operations within regulatory mandates to maintain public safety standards. SCS RMC® helps you remain lean and agile without compromising your budget.


SCS announces the launch of SCS RMC® Pro

RMC Pro is your source of truth and one “pane of glass” for optimally operating and maintaining your facility. Our Ignition Firebrand Award demonstrates some of these capabilities –providing a holistic view of all landfill systems. Our solutions are tailored to your facilities and goals using Ignition, ArcGIS, drone and satellite data, third-party websites and software packages, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and other cutting-edge field hardware.

scs rmc
Monitor your situation with real-time updates from the field to your mobile devices with our cloud solutions.
remote control monitoring rmc
Control your solution by making changes easily and immediately without driving to a remote site.
scs remote monitoring control
Predict your future results with the information you need to be proactive.









Using SCS RMC®


Sensors are installed on each piece of equipment you want to monitor. Each sensor is configured to specified parameters based on each of your unique business needs and environmental reporting responsibilities. A local wireless network communicates with SCS  RMC’s collector base station providing continuous readings from each sensor. Multiple groups of sensors are easily configured.


RMC sends an alert if readings are detected outside an acceptable range or if an environmental threshold is nearing exceedance. Alerts go out via the Internet to cell phones, computers, or tablets to the appropriate staff.

Using a variety of customization options, clients establish different authorization levels for staff to view, edit, approve and respond to an alert. Many pre-programmed and customized reporting options are available to simplify regulatory agency or other reporting requirements.

Following automated collection and wireless transmittal, authorized users may view, edit, map, chart, analyze, manage, and print the information. A range of standard templates is available to generate useful reports quickly and easily.


landfill scada system
Upon receiving an alert, authorized users can log in to the SCS RMC® web application to quickly identify the significance of the alert and make an informed decision regarding a response. Response options include sending commands to the base station (e.g., open/close a valve, turn on/off a flare, etc.), changing the data point parameters in the SCS RMC® web application, or dispatching a technician to investigate.


The backbone of every service at SCS Engineers is to design and develop based on our clients’ specific needs. SCS is one of the most experienced and successful environmental compliance, operations, and maintenance firms in the United States. There is no substitute for our knowledge and hands-on experience. SCS Technology Services® works closely with our engineers and field staff to develop the most effective technologies for the waste management industry. Use SCS RMC® access to monitor, control, and analyze trends in real-time from Internet-accessible devices, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. You even have the option to decide how to access your data.

  • Control the access for specific individuals or groups to your information and data
  • Pre-programmed and customized reporting options to meet regulatory requirements
  • Quick installation – minimal downtime
  • SCS RMC sensors connect to many types of equipment and systems.


Improving Sustainability in Waste Management – PODCAST and RECORDING

David Hostetter from SCS Engineers and Dennis Siegel from Waste Management join Inductive Automation to talk about the unique processes and challenges within the waste management industry, from residential to the engineering and life cycles of landfills. We discuss how operational improvements are being made in this essential service and its environmental footprint. They dive into the 24/7 maintenance and monitoring of landfills, adjusting to changing conditions in real-time, reducing cost, generating renewable energy, improving the health and safety of operators, and being proactive in a changing world. We also hear about an Ignition-based solution called Connected Landfills that is improving connectivity, mobility, and visualization by using data science to facilitate better decisions.


Contact SCS to learn more about SCS RMC®, or watch a demo now. Brochure here.


The backbone of every service at SCS Engineers is to design and develop based on our clients’ specific needs. SCS is one of the most experienced and successful environmental compliance, operations, and maintenance firms in the United States. There is no substitute for our knowledge and hands-on experience. SCS Technology Services® works closely with our engineers and field staff to develop the most effective technologies for the waste management industry.


Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality SCS can present real-time data in mixed-reality environments (e.g., Microsoft HoloLens2). Augmented 3D facilitates the difficult task of visualizing actual and conceptual site conditions. Another application of reality … Continue reading Augmented Reality

Control of Industrial Processes

Control of Industrial Processes The SCS RMC® team integrates HTML web-based technology into our client solutions enabling us to build dynamic industrial applications that automatically respond to each client’s unique … Continue reading Control of Industrial Processes

Drone Services

Drone Services with GIS Methane (CH4) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Monitoring Experience safer, truly remote emissions monitoring with our advanced drone-based methane detection system. Equipped with a gimbaled TDLAS sensor, … Continue reading Drone Services

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3900 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 300
Long Beach, CA 90806


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