Petroleum Site Investigation and Remediation

Developing our petroleum resources is complicated work, and unintended releases of crude, refined product, and produced waters can happen even when following best management practices. SCS works hand-in-hand with all the project stakeholders, including government regulatory agencies, to form a team committed to addressing environmental concerns and bringing the site back into agency compliance.

Soil testing - SCS EngineersSCS professionals support investigating the source of recent and historical releases to the environment, evaluating the risks these releases may pose to sensitive receptors, developing cost-effective strategies for remediation of affected areas, and implementing approved remediation activities. Our personnel has experience managing complex investigations subject to environmental agency oversight nationwide. Our technical experts can help guide your projects through the rigorous requirements of environmental programs at the local, state, and federal levels. Our thorough understanding of regulatory procedures and documents puts SCS in a position to provide strong client advocacy, which results in significant cost savings on many projects.

Every site requires an individual approach for investigations and affected soil and groundwater remediation. Our licensed geologists and engineers utilize the most appropriate industry-recognized methods, both historical and state-of-the-art, to evaluate and remediate the areas of concern identified at the site. SCS has set itself apart in the industry by integrating information technology from the beginning of a project to site closure.

Investigation methods can include:

  • Hand auger
  • Direct-push technology (DPT) drilling
  • Drill rig (Air and mud rotary drilling, Sonic drilling, Hollow-stem auger (HSA))
  • Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT) Rapid Optical Screening Tool (ROST)/Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
  • Temporary or permanent monitoring well installation
  • Westbay and multilevel groundwater monitoring well installations
  • Sub-slab vapor sampling
  • Indoor air vapor intrusion sampling

Remediation methods can include:

  • Injection of air or liquids
    • Bio-sparge/low-flow in-situ air sparge
    • High-flow in-situ air sparge (IAS)
    • Chemical oxidation
    • Bio-amendment
  • Excavation/extraction of soil or groundwater
    • Free-phase product removal
    • Soil vapor extraction (SVE)
    • Source area excavation
    • Groundwater pump and treat
    • Multi-phase extraction (liquid and vapor)
  • Electrical resistive heating
  • Capping with risk-based corrective action
  • Natural Attenuation
  • Phyto-remediation

A defining feature of SCS is adopting technology and techniques to improve efficiency during soil and groundwater investigations and monitoring. Using enterprise and proprietary geographic information system (GIS) software, our personnel can manage site data in near real-time from the field or office. These GIS tools allow data mapping in the field for data-based decision-making and are successfully used to save our clients’ potentially expensive remobilizations. With our client-advocate focus and extensive experience using risk-based approaches, institutional/engineering controls, and site redevelopment, SCS handles challenging petroleum remediation projects and maintains a strong track record of managing projects from initial release identification to site closure, taking on existing challenges and bringing them to successful conclusions. Our teams have experience achieving regulatory closure through a variety of procedures, including:

  • Clean closure at applicable state cleanup standards
  • Restricted closures for soil and groundwater as allowed by state regulatory programs, including administrative controls (e.g., deed restrictions, activity use limitations, conveyance notices, environmental covenants, etc.)

With our specialized practices, SCS is a turn-key provider of petroleum environmental remediation services and ready to meet your project’s challenges and goals head-on, from initial investigation and permitting to remediation and final environmental closure.


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SCS Address

Corporate Headquarters

3900 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 300
Long Beach, CA 90806


1 (800) 767-4727
1 (562) 427-0805 | FAX
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