Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)

SCS Engineers Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) program help our clients to detect and locate leaks in chemical, oil, and natural gas facilities before they become problematic, costly, and potential health hazards. SCS has teamed with LDAR tools to provide preeminent equipment that works across multiple data management platforms.

leak detection and repair
Off Gas Flare

Emissions reductions resulting from the implementation of SCS’s LDAR program will also reduce product loss, exposure to the surrounding community, and emission fees, and help avoid enforcement actions relative to fugitive emissions. It will also increase safety for workers and operators. Additionally, SCS’s LDAR program meets or exceeds the USEPA’s Method 21 requirements and applicable state and local fugitive emission regulations.

LDAR services provided by SCS Engineers include:

  • LDAR program for EPA Reference Method 21 inspections
  • Oil and gas field trained technicians
  • Equipment repairs
  • Tagging and inventory tag placement
  • Inventory development route modifications
  • Management of change historical record-keeping
  • Written LDAR programs designed for quality control and quality assurance


Benefits of SCS’s tools and technology:

  • Experienced oil, gas, and chemical field professionals
  • Full-service prevent, detect, repair, and report
  • Quantifiable reduction in fugitive emissions through a properly run and effective program
  • Prevention of enforcement actions
  • Increased production
  • “Safety-first” culture
  • Increased worker and operational safety
  • Increase safety to surrounding communities
  • Reduced emission fees
  • Audit-proof system
  • Most advanced LDAR tools available
  • Seamless integration with existing Guideware, LeakDAS, or LTI Desktop
  • Monitoring system designed around the client’s needs and infrastructure

The SCS Engineers’ full-service team offers solutions based on the existing infrastructure and intended goals of a facility.  We are able to detect, respond to, and offer solutions to help prevent dangerous situations.


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    1.800.767.4727    |    Contact us
SCS Address

Corporate Headquarters

3900 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 300
Long Beach, CA 90806


1 (800) 767-4727
1 (562) 427-0805 | FAX
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