Landfill Services

Landfill Design-Build-OM&M

National Experts Landfill Design/CQA: Ali Khatami, Bob Isenberg, and Jeff Reed

National Experts Geotechnical: Bob Isenberg and James Law

National Experts Elevated Temperature Landfills: Bob Dick, Jim Walsh, and Ali Khatami


Our private, municipal, and industrial landfill clients have a wide variety of engineering, permitting, construction, operation, monitoring, and maintenance service needs. SCS Engineers is proud to be one of the nation’s top environmental firms delivering practical solutions that balance today’s financial, environmental, and regulatory challenges. We apply our nationwide expertise to local problems through our network of regional and local offices.

As we develop and implement solutions, we maintain a high level of responsiveness to our clients’ environmental concerns. SCS employs individuals with a combination of skills and experience in engineering, natural and physical sciences, construction, project management, and operations to support our solid waste clients’ needs and enhance project value.

SCS regularly works with clients in the private and public sectors to plan for, permit, design, and implement facilities and programs safely and economically. We manage all types of solid wastes, including hazardous and by-product wastes, nationwide and globally.

In response to client needs for “one-stop shopping,” SCS Field Services and SCS Energy were established decades ago as operating units within SCS to provide complete Design | Build | Operation & Maintenance services. We then added SCS Technology and SCS Tracer to provide the full spectrum of monitoring and risk-avoidance services because we know from experience that our environmental specialists’ preventive measures are safer and good for business.

Following is a summary of our landfill services.  Click here to see a list of landfill project experience, including locations and size.


Click here to visit our Modern Landfill Design library of educational videos.

landfill contractors



Elevated Temperature Landfills

Prevent, Identify, & Mitigate Elevated Temperature Landfills ETLF National Experts: Bob Dick, Ali Khatami,  Eric Peterson, and Jim Walsh   SCS Engineers evaluations of elevated temperature landfills (ETLFs) are backed by … Continue reading Elevated Temperature Landfills

Landfill Construction

Landfill Construction National Expert CQA: Jeff Reed   SCS Engineers and our Field Services Construction division offer a full complement of landfill construction services, including: LFG Wellfield and Header Installation … Continue reading Landfill Construction

Landfill Engineering and Consulting

Landfill Engineering and Consulting National Experts: Bob Isenberg and James Law (Geotechnical), Jeff Reed (CQA), Ali Khatami (Landfill Design)   SCS Engineers offers comprehensive construction, operation, and maintenance services for landfills … Continue reading Landfill Engineering and Consulting

Landfill Operations, Monitoring, and Maintenance

Landfill Operations, Monitoring, and Maintenance National Expert OM&M: Galen Petoyan; Leachate Management: Bob Gardner, Ron Wilks; Liquids Management: Bruce Jernigan, Sol Sim, Pete Carrico   SCS Engineers, in coordination with our SCS Field Services … Continue reading Landfill Operations, Monitoring, and Maintenance

Landfill Renewable Energy

Landfill Renewable Energy National Experts: Bob Viers (LFGE), Alex Stege (Modeling), and Eric Peterson (Gas Collection Systems) SCS Engineers, working closely with our Energy and Field Services divisions, have helped our clients resolve … Continue reading Landfill Renewable Energy

Odor Management

Odor Management National Expert: Odor and Tracer Gas Studies Tom Rappolt   More than half of all air pollution complaints registered to regulatory agencies in the U.S. are related to odor … Continue reading Odor Management

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Corporate Headquarters

3900 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 300
Long Beach, CA 90806


1 (800) 767-4727
1 (562) 427-0805 | FAX
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