Written Closure, Post-Closure Care, and Certification

SCS Engineers’ experience in disposal site closure, post-closure care, and redevelopment is second to none. We prepare written closure and post-closure care plans and help keep existing plans current. We have years of experience evaluating closure options and, where appropriate, obtaining approval for alternative closure approaches, including vegetated covers, armored covers, exposed geomembranes, and engineered systems, such as buildings and parking lots.

Our successful closure approach takes into account the size of the pond or landfill, de-watering requirements and methods, final site use, integration of remediation efforts, constructability, site layout, and long-term costs.

SCS Engineers Landfill Closure Postclosure Certification
Landfill closure at Big Bend

SCS can design-build final covers to accommodate anticipated settlement. If the impoundment contains free liquids, we can remove or solidify them before the final cover is installed. If coal combustion residuals (CCR) are to remain in the unit following its closure, the unit is subject to post-closure care for 30 years, including maintenance of and repairs to final covers and other unit components, and semi-annual detection and/or assessment monitoring of groundwater.

SCS has specialized staff members who perform post-closure inspections and maintenance and monitoring services using automated data collection tools to facilitate making information available on a public website and/or submitting data to the appropriate state official as required. Our licensed professional engineers routinely work with our operation, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) group to gather the appropriate data and certify the necessary documents.

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SCS Address

Corporate Headquarters

3900 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 300
Long Beach, CA 90806


1 (800) 767-4727
1 (562) 427-0805 | FAX
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