Coal Combustion Residuals

Coal Combustion Residuals and Electric Utilities

National Experts: Eric Nelson and Mark Huber

ccr coal
The EPIC Affiliates Program (AP) is composed of representatives from corporations (“members”) who benefit from EPIC’s core capabilities in developing focused energy solutions in technology and workforce development. Members contribute to the EPIC External Advisory Board regarding EPIC’s research activities.
SCS Engineers is a member of the Coal Ash and Liquid Management (CALM) program at UNC Charlotte. The program is conducting over $3M worth of applied research for coal ash and CCR waste-water issues on twenty different coal ash projects. The team is comprised of recognized experts in CCR leach-ability, highway beneficial use, CCR waste-water treat-ability, coal combustion energy, and specialty coal ash products. CALM is part of the EPIC Affiliates Program.

Coal-burning electric utilities produce large volumes of residual materials that must be managed properly. The challenge is compounded by changing regulatory policy. New requirements for air pollution control, water pollution control, and management of residuals on land are being implemented over the next several years, and several highly-publicized releases of coal ash have increased pressure on utilities to modify their systems for managing coal combustion residuals (CCRs).

SCS Engineers helps utilities and landfills meet the challenges of properly managing CCRs in the face of evolving regulations. An early example is the firm’s 1982 Manual for Upgrading Existing Disposal Facilities that we prepared for the Electric Power Research Institute. More recently, SCS has assisted a number of companies by evaluating their management options, designing new and upgraded facilities, and responding to concerns about historical ash management practices.

SCS helps resolve the complex issues arising as utilities alter CCR characteristics, convert from wet to dry collection, or seek options for the beneficial use of CCR materials. The answers often depend on a combination of science, engineering, law, and public communications. SCS has the experience and capability to help multi-disciplinary teams address these issues without interrupting production.

SCS helps coal-burning electric utilities meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) 2015 rules establishing minimum criteria for disposal of CCRs. How states respond, if at all, to implementing the national minimum criteria affects what needs to be done. With offices located throughout the coal-burning regions of the United States, SCS is tracking state-by-state implementation closely and can determine potential impacts to
your business on a local basis.

coal combustion residual
SCS Engineers is a Member Delegate of the American Coal Ash Association, Inc. (ACCA) whose mission is advancing the management and use of coal combustion products (CCPs) in ways that are environmentally responsible, technically sound, commercially competitive, and supportive of a sustainable global community.

SCS Engineers’ CCR services include:

  • Feasibility studies and master plans for new or replacement CCR management systems
  • Design of state-of-the-art CCR landfills, including liners, leachate collection, covers, and stormwater management systems
  • Construction, construction management, and construction quality assurance for new CCR management facilities and repairs to existing facilities
  • Evaluation of historical CCR management facilities, including geotechnical stability; fate and effect of potential releases to groundwater, surface water, and air; and alternatives for upgrading, repairing, or remediating problems
  • Design and implementation of closure and post-closure care for facilities that are no longer needed, including redevelopment for other uses where appropriate
  • Operation, maintenance, and monitoring of disposal facilities and environmental control systems
  • Evaluation of beneficial uses for CCRs, including opportunities that displace greenhouse gas emissions and otherwise represent sustainable solutions
  • Implementation of public websites as required by CCR rules to serve as information repositories

We provide a variety of services to the Electric Utility market in addition to CCR management, including:

  • Air permitting
  • Biogas electric generation
  • Emergency spill response
  • Remediation and compliance
  • Renewables and civil site design

Coal Ash Landfill Design-Build-Support

Coal Ash Landfill Design-Build-Support SCS Engineers’ staff members are experts who understand the limitations and responsibilities placed on electric utilities, independent power producers, and non-utility landfills that accept coal combustion … Continue reading Coal Ash Landfill Design-Build-Support

Groundwater Monitoring for CCR Units

Groundwater Monitoring for CCR Units The experienced team of professionals at SCS Engineers understands groundwater monitoring beyond just regulations and guidance. When the original Subtitle D rules for municipal solid … Continue reading Groundwater Monitoring for CCR Units

Solar Energy

Written Closure, Post-Closure Care and Certification

Written Closure, Post-Closure Care, and Certification SCS Engineers’ experience in disposal site closure, post-closure care, and redevelopment is second to none. We prepare written closure and post-closure care plans and … Continue reading Written Closure, Post-Closure Care and Certification

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