Over the last several years, the regulatory pendulum has swung so far back and forth that facilities that are covered by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions, otherwise known as the Risk Management Program, have often felt as if they were sitting on a Tilt-O-Whirl carnival ride. Bill’s paper, Getting Knocked Out by the Pendulum: The 2024 EPA RMP Rule Changes and Strategies for Compliance will familiarize you with the most recent changes that have been made to these regulations and provide them with basic strategies for compliance.
Following a brief history of the regulations in question, readers are equipped to understand where the regulations stand today. With the myriad of changes to the RMP provisions and the relatively short timeframe for implementing some complicated requirements prior to their deadlines, it is important for each owner or operator to start the process as soon as possible. Don’t worry, Bill takes you through it!