A closed landfill containing an above-ground leachate tank and pumping equipment. The leachate tank and pump system’s primary components include a wet-well (maintenance hole) and submersible pump, an above-ground storage tank, a discharge pump, and two flow meters. Landfill liquids are pumped and drain into the maintenance hole, then pumped into the above-ground storage tank. The leachate is pumped from the above-ground storage tank and into trucks that haul it off-site for disposal.
Challenges – Planning for and verifying leachate amounts, alerts for leaks, fouling, outflows
The leachate haulers want to know how many trucks were necessary each day to haul the leachate off-site. The landfill operator wanted to determine the leachate amount remotely and verify that invoicing for hauling and disposal was correct.
The SCS Remote Monitoring and Control® system (RMC) system provides the solution by connecting to the leachate tank and associated pumping equipment. The system records data and allows users to view it remotely. The system sends out text messages and email alarms, and it allows operations staff to troubleshoot and repair the system remotely.
Outcomes and Benefits
The system continues to work well since its 2013 installation. It is a valuable tool for the client, the leachate haulers, and engineering and O&M service support teams. Some of the benefits include:
Leachate quantity: The leachate haulers know, on any day, how much leachate needs to transport off-site to dispatch the exact truck size and time. Data conveys to haulers through a cellular internet connection to the SCS RMC® system. With client permission, haulers access the specific tank volume and flow data from smartphones without leaving the truck.
Data insight: The system enables SCS to monitor the leachate tank remotely and quickly do several tasks, including:
Alarms: Replacing the control system autodialer with SCS RMC® system alarms enables replicating the previous alarms and added preventative value. New alarms include: