Duke Energy’s Lee Steam Station is a 400-MW coal-fired power generation facility. SCS Engineers was retained to permit and design a new landfill for the disposal of coal combustion by-products.
SCS completed preliminary hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations, and then prepared the landfill design, permit application report and construction plans and specifications. SCS also completed a quality-assurance plan for the landfill.
Geotechnical Investigation
The landfill was designed over a closed 18-acre, 35-foot deep retired ash basin. Because of the complexities of constructing a new landfill atop the retired ash basin, SCS conducted a geotechnical evaluation to establish engineering properties of the underlying ash and the perimeter berm.
Our investigation included the following:
SCS used the data to determine the anticipated settlement of the new landfill’s base lining system, and the overall slope stability of the developed landfill.
Hydrogeological Investigation. SCS installed eighteen 2-inch piezometers and conducted a hydrogeologic evaluation of the project area to determine the geologic units, depth to groundwater, and direction and rate of groundwater flow.
SCS concluded that the retired ash basin was suitable to site, permit, and design a new Class 3 lined landfill, subject to additional analysis for foundation stability.
Landfill Siting Study. SCS prepared a Landfill Siting Study (LSS) following the guidelines of Regulation 61-107.08 for submission to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. The LSS addressed siting restrictions, buffers, and zoning approval, and included the Site Hydrogeological Characterization Report.
Landfill Design and Permit Application. SCS prepared the design and permit application for the landfill, which included the following: