Jason Franks

Jason Franks

Jason Franks has nearly two decades of experience with a diverse range of projects serving as project manager and leading teams on multi-faceted landfill and environmental projects. His duties on several landfill facilities have included the completion of groundwater monitoring plans, oversight of groundwater monitoring well installation, monitoring well and pump maintenance and repair, stormwater and leachate sampling and reporting, groundwater sampling via traditional and low-flow techniques and reporting (including statistical analysis), quality assurance oversight and reporting, oversight of gas extraction well installation, operational maintenance on active gas/leachate extraction systems, and Tier II landfill gas sampling and reporting. On numerous environmental projects, Mr. Franks responsibilities and duties have included asbestos sampling/abatement oversight; lead soils analysis; PCB contaminated soils/concrete and remediation; wetland delineation; preparing, collecting and analyzing technical data for Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESA’s); field sampling of groundwater, soils, and soil gas extraction for intrusive Phase II ESA’s; and plume delineation by overhead vapor monitoring, gas chromatographic analysis, membrane interface probe, and laser-induced fluorescence. Mr. Franks is closely involved in the technical aspects of remedial investigations, design, implementation, and operational maintenance.