SCS Engineers and SCS Field Services to support the City’s economic development plan.
PLEASANTON, CA –SCS Engineers and SCS Field Services, the construction division of SCS, have begun work on a Design-Build Agreement with the City of Union. The agreement provides for the maintenance, assessment, permitting, potential remediation and construction of the former Pacific States Steel Corporation (PSSC) plant site.
The site was closed and capped in 2006 leaving in place 400,000 cubic yards of slag, sludge and other TPH-impacted material from the former PSSC cooling pound, sumps, an auto shredder area, miscellaneous debris and concrete. The site is a 16-acre parcel in the downtown transportation hub area of Union City, CA. The downtown area is being redeveloped and is rapidly becoming a significant feature of the City’s planning for the future.
Performing the project in phases, SCS will be responsible for the following tasks: managing the operation and maintenance of the site; providing a technical and cost analysis of the potential to remove the existing consolidated waste to allow for mixed-use and transit-oriented development by the City. Additionally, SCS is tasked with preparing the preliminary design and cost estimates for constructing a 1,000 stall parking lot on the site; providing regulatory liaison services; conducting field sampling to characterize site materials; providing as-requested consulting services, and performing design-build services for parking lot construction.
The City chose SCS for several reasons; technical expertise, sustainable environmental practices, and for the ability to deliver all services in-house reducing project costs and performance time. In soliciting companies, the City expressly stated its desire to have an environmental firm that could provide all services from initial assessment to monitoring and maintenance, through design and construction of the facility atop the site. SCS Engineers’ award-winning projects are recognized for their safe and efficient performance on Brownfields sites and for supporting the economic development goals of their clients.
“The project will help determine the best use of this part of the City’s downtown transportation hub,” said Joe Miller, an SCS vice president and project director for the project. “The alternatives presented will enhance the downtown area as a mixed-use, residential-commercial center and transit hub.”