
July 13, 2018

What Will the Future Landfill Look Like? Waste360, July 2018

Waste management, it’s so much more than simply landfills.  Landfills are becoming recycling facilities, transfer stations, MRFs, or waste-to-energy facilities in addition to the landfill itself.      

June 21, 2018

Optical sorters vs. robots: Choosing the right systems in a MRF, Waste Today, Jun. 2018

While solid waste technology and equipment is a major investment, proper planning can help MRF operators minimize risk by “kicking the tires” first.    

June 11, 2018

County Removes 573,866 Cubic Yards of Debris in 99 Days, Public Works, May 2018

Public works agencies can make educated guesses about what’s going to happen following a hurricane or natural disaster, but must hammer out some removal details with multiple jurisdictions and multiple contractors … Continue reading County Removes 573,866 Cubic Yards of Debris in 99 Days, Public Works, May ...

June 11, 2018

EPCRA Compliance: Get Ready to Report Your Toxic Inventory Release

The July 1 deadline for Toxic Inventory Release (TRI) reporting is approaching; are you meeting your obligations? TRI reports are an important part of your environmental compliance strategy if you have a facility with at … Continue reading EPCRA Compliance: Get Ready to Report Your Toxic Inventory Release

May 22, 2018

DIWs for Wastewater Disposal, WasteAdvantage, May, 2018

Wastewater Deep Injection Wells – Industries Tap a Unique Resource The increasingly stringent surface water discharge standards are an ongoing challenge for industries generating a wastewater stream. Deep Injection Well’s … Continue reading DIWs for Wastewater Disposal, WasteAdvantage, May, 2018