
August 27, 2018

On the Way to Zero Waste, Parts I and II, Waste360, Aug. 2018

In a two-part series, Waste360 takes a look at zero waste and some of the actions industry professionals are taking to achieve zero waste. Read both parts here. Part I … Continue reading On the Way to Zero Waste, Parts I and II, Waste360, Aug. 2018 ...

August 21, 2018

RAGAGEP: But it’s not possible! RETA Breeze, Aug.2018

OSHA’s Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP), can feel overwhelming with so many elements to review. Lee Pyle gets you started with her focus on the industry improvements associated with life safety. … Continue reading RAGAGEP: But it’s not possible! RETA Breeze, Aug.2018

August 21, 2018

PSM/RMP Compliance Audits: Who Should Perform Them? Part 2, RETA Breeze, Aug.2018

What to look for in an auditor for hire? For starters, more than a consultant familiar with PSM/RMP regulations. Author: Bill Lape, CIRO, Project Director for SCS Engineers: Tracer Environmental Services. Bill is a member of … Continue reading PSM/RMP Compliance Audits: Who Should Perform Them? Part 2, RETA Breeze, Aug.2018

August 21, 2018

Management of Change: Have We Captured All of the Impacts of a Change? RETA Breeze, Aug. 2018

It is vital to ask as many questions as possible regarding equipment changes under consideration. With more information, you may find that the proposed changes could impact safety.  Author: Bill Lape, CIRO, Project … Continue reading Management of Change: Have We Captured All of the Impacts of a Change? ...

August 14, 2018

Virginia Landfill and Nearby Community Grow Side by Side, Waste360, Aug. 2018

Infrastructure investments, combined with a lot of one-on-one communication to address residents’ concerns, resulted in a 98% drop in odor complaints at Campbell County’s landfill. To learn more about the landfill click here. … Continue reading Virginia Landfill and Nearby Community Grow Side by Side, Waste360, Aug. 2018