
November 27, 2019

PFAS – A Fast Moving Topic in Need of Updated Research, Waste360, Nov. 2019

Industry experts and federal regulators are funding advanced scientific research. Meanwhile, the USEPA is initiating steps to evaluate PFAS, potentially designating some as “hazardous substances” and developing toxicity values. Share … Continue reading PFAS – A Fast Moving Topic in Need of Updated Research, Waste360, Nov. ...

November 26, 2019

Restorative Rescue – Brownfields Property to Destination, Nov. 2019

The long-awaited restoration of the Garver Fedd Mill in Olbrich Park, Wisconsin is a reality. Lessons learned in securing Brownfields grants or funding. Share this article using the icons at … Continue reading Restorative Rescue – Brownfields Property to Destination, Nov. 2019

November 7, 2019

Severe Weather Impacts on Solid Waste Disposal Facility Operations

Our communities rely upon waste management services and landfills. Severe weather conditions and natural disasters are studied by the waste management industry that is moving toward preventative designs and operations … Continue reading Severe Weather Impacts on Solid Waste Disposal Facility Operations

October 12, 2019

Environmental Sustainability Is a Printing Best Practice, Oct. 2019, GLGA

Along with People and Profits, the third P in the sustainable business model is Planet, aka environmental sustainability. We need all three of these aspects equally, and each has an … Continue reading Environmental Sustainability Is a Printing Best Practice, Oct. 2019, GLGA

October 6, 2019

Ammonia Pipe and Equipment Labeling, Oct. 2019, RETA

This article is intended to educate the reader further on the concept of Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGEGEP), give them an overview of many of the standards … Continue reading Ammonia Pipe and Equipment Labeling, Oct. 2019, RETA