
October 19, 2020

Toxic PFAS waste that lasts ‘forever’ poses financial, logistical challenges for landfills, Waste Dive, Oct. 19, 2020

Across the industry, stakeholders agree about the importance of determining how landfills deal with PFAS and how the public perceives it. Waste trade associations, scientists, and a host of organizations … Continue reading Toxic PFAS waste that lasts ‘forever’ poses financial, logistical challenges for landfills, Waste ...

October 1, 2020

What to Expect When You Are Expecting… A Regulatory Inspection, Sep. 2020

Marie Samson, of SCS Tracer, outlines the steps to have your facility prepared as best as possible for regulatory inspections. With planning, the inspection will go well and you can … Continue reading What to Expect When You Are Expecting… A Regulatory Inspection, Sep. 2020

October 1, 2020

Epic Fails – Unknown Controls, RETA Breeze, Oct. 2020

Bill Lape, of SCS Tracer Environmental, writes of a particular set of Epic Fails – low hanging fruit for an auditor or a regulator in this article. Avoid Epic Fails … Continue reading Epic Fails – Unknown Controls, RETA Breeze, Oct. 2020

September 24, 2020

California on the Rise, Stormwater Magazine, Sep. 2020

The trajectory of industrial stormwater regulatory compliance is clear. Regulations and citizen lawsuits are increasing and significantly affect industrial dischargers. By understanding the challenges and risks, staying flexible, and being … Continue reading California on the Rise, Stormwater Magazine, Sep. 2020

September 5, 2020

SCS Energy Breaks Ground on RNG Plant in Indianapolis, Biomass Magazine, Sep. 2019

Indy High Btu LLC engaged SCS Energy to build their new Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) plant under an EPC agreement. The landfill gas-to-RNG plant designed by SCS protects the environment … Continue reading SCS Energy Breaks Ground on RNG Plant in Indianapolis, Biomass Magazine, Sep. 2019 ...