
March 24, 2021

Gas and Liquid Carrying Pipes in Landfills and Complexity of Conflicts, Talking Trash, Spring 2021

Ali Khatami discusses best practices to address conflicts among gas and liquids pipes, pipes, and final cover geosynthetics before construction.    

March 24, 2021

Watered In: Liquid Issues in Landfill Gas Extraction Wells, Talking Trash, Spring 2021

Dan Cooper and Stephanie Liptak discuss best practices for managing landfill liquids; pertinent to a healthy and compliant gas collection and control system and for landfill longevity.   Find more … Continue reading Watered In: Liquid Issues in Landfill Gas Extraction Wells, Talking Trash, Spring 2021 ...

March 23, 2021

California Solid Waste Authority’s SB 1383 Compliance Blueprint

Prescriptive regulations to divert organics from disposal under the state’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Reduction Act have many steps and deadlines. Here’s one authority’s successful journey toward sustainable materials management.  

March 9, 2021

Research and Education Sustain Recycling in Kirkwood, Missouri, APWA Reporter, March 2021

Over 100 local governments have ceased collecting recyclables due to dramatically increasing costs and the pandemic. Bill Bensing, Director of Public Services in Kirkwood, Missouri, discusses how he controls contamination, … Continue reading Research and Education Sustain Recycling in Kirkwood, Missouri, APWA Reporter, March 2021

March 9, 2021

Importance of long-term care for landfills, WM&R, Mar. 2021

In their recent Waste Management & Research Editorial Importance of long-term care for landfills, co-authors H. James Law and David E. Ross discuss applying best practices and lessons learned over … Continue reading Importance of long-term care for landfills, WM&R, Mar. 2021