
April 7, 2022

Key Factors to Plan Landfill Closure, Talking Trash, Spring 2022

Carlo Lebron of SCS Engineers discusses planning a landfill closure. In his article, he includes the things that impact cost, timeline, compliance, season, and site factors. A well-organized article that … Continue reading Key Factors to Plan Landfill Closure, Talking Trash, Spring 2022

April 7, 2022

Ammonia Labeling & Signage: RAGAGEP Update, RETA Breeze, Apr. 2022

Part IV of Bill Lape’s pipe and equipment labeling series in the RETA Breeze continues with ammonia refrigeration pipe and equipment labeling, specifically Bulletin 114, now incorporated into IIAR2 as … Continue reading Ammonia Labeling & Signage: RAGAGEP Update, RETA Breeze, Apr. 2022

March 31, 2022

Closed Glen Burnie Landfill to Become Solar Energy Project, Waste360 and WTOP, Mar 2022

Maryland turning a closed landfill into a renewable energy project using solar.   Learn more about using solar on closed landfills here. Video: Redeveloping Contaminated Properties Video: Feasibility of Solar … Continue reading Closed Glen Burnie Landfill to Become Solar Energy Project, Waste360 and WTOP, Mar ...

March 22, 2022

Hold It! Book Review

Washington Times Book Review: Hold It! The Case for Hard Thinking, Honesty, and Humility when Assessing Environmental Health Risks.    

March 22, 2022

2021 RNG Infrastructure Assessment, BioCycle, 03-2022

The RNG Infrastructure Assessment provides the domestic RNG production potential estimated to be between 10 and 30 times greater than current production. Achieving U.S. domestic RNG resource potential would also … Continue reading 2021 RNG Infrastructure Assessment, BioCycle, 03-2022