
September 22, 2004

“Sturdy Foundations: With Sound Engineering, Closed Landfills Can Be Commercial Sites,” Michael McLaughlin and Joseph Miller, Waste Age

September 22, 2004

“From Landfill to Leisure: Closure and Rehabilitation of the Hiriya Landfill,” Robert Isenberg, Eric Peterson, Danny Sternberg, Waste Management World

September 22, 2004

The Challenges of Redeveloping Landfills Can be Overcome,” Mike McLaughlin and Joe Miller, Brownfield News

September 1, 2004

“Businesses Could Face Costly Compliance For Pending Industrial Stormwater Permit,” Ralph Vasquez, Stormwater

August 22, 2004

“EMS And Sustainability: The Key in the Banker’s Toolbox”, Joe Kesling, Bank Notes