Enhanced Industrial Refrigeration Training Improve Certification Rates

April 27, 2023

SCS Engineers Industrial Refrigeration Training
Expanded classes for Industrial Refrigeration Training provide certification exam pass rates greatly exceeding the national average.


SCS Engineers and General Refrigeration Company collaborate for safe operations.

Located in Delmar, Delaware, General Refrigeration Company recently constructed a state-of-the-art office and fabrication shop. They built the Mendes Training Center within the office complex to host training for industrial refrigeration operators and technicians. The training center includes an active ammonia refrigeration system and several equipment displays to enhance system and equipment understanding.

RETA, the Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association, approved the complex as a RETA Affiliated Testing Center for administering the ANSI Accredited Certification tests. The only thing missing was the instructor.

We’re proud to say General Refrigeration selected Gene Dumas, a Project Director with SCS Engineers, to instruct the RETA Industrial Refrigeration (IR) Course 1, 2, and 3 classes and review class materials for certifications. Gene holds RETA CARO, CIRO, and CRST certifications and is a former RETA National President.


Gene is putting his 30 years of experience and over seven years as a trainer to work.

Collaborating with General Refrigeration, they aim to establish, maintain and assure the highest industry standards in the training center. ANAB and ANSI Standards are recognized internationally and highly regarded by regulatory agencies such as EPA and OSHA in establishing and maintaining the highest industrial and safety benchmarks.

Extending the Certified Refrigeration Service Technician (CRST), review course to a four-day course improved the success rate for students seeking ANSI certifications. Next, they extended the IR-1 and IR-2 classes to be five-days giving students time to review additional materials. Recent CRST Review and IR-2 classes achieved certification exam pass rates greatly exceeding the national average.


Investing in State-of-the-Art Training

Future IR-1 and IR-2 classes will occur in May — register online at www.generalrefrig.com/training.

“The more training and experience operators have, the safer operations can run and with less chance of system outages that result in lost production and product,” states Gene. “It’s an effective way to manage risks.”

For more information, please contact Gene Dumas or Melissa Cassell. For additional information and training, visit Operator, Custom,  PSM, RMP Training on the SCS website.




Posted by Diane Samuels at 9:54 am
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