DAF FOG Removal at a Bacon Production Facility | MWEA/AWWA Conference

February 2, 2022

bacon production

Makin’ Bacon: DAF FOG Removal at a Bacon Production Facility
MWEA/AWWA 2022 Joint Annual Conference
March 29, 2022, 10:15 am

Mark Pearson, P.E. of SCS Engineers, is presenting at the upcoming MWEA/AWWA 2022 Conference in Missouri. Mark will be discussing the challenges of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) for facilities discharging to a Publically Owned Treatment Works. Among other challenges, these facilities must also meet FOG limits, pH, and TSS.

Mark will step us through improving discharges to the municipal sewer system by making improvements to a bacon production facility’s existing pretreatment system. Like most food production facilities, flows are consistent during the day shift and increase during the cleaning phase overnight, including, in this case, decanting of FOG. SCS added equalization to prevent shock loads to the existing Dissolved Air Floatation Thickener/Clarifier and added chemical dosing and mixing equipment to comply with municipal discharge requirements.

Problem cured!






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am