Sustainability Policy

SCS Engineers promotes and utilizes environmentally sustainable practices in the conduct of our business.  We believe in environmental leadership, stewardship and responsibility, and we also believe that business success and environmental responsibility work well together.

In our commitment to this policy, SCS will:Sustainability Policy

  • Develop knowledge of sustainable practice through education to create the best, most feasible and practical solutions.
  • Encourage sustainable practice in all SCS offices.
  • Conserve natural resources by reducing waste, reusing materials where practical, participating in recycling programs, and purchasing recycled products and goods.
  • Practice responsible energy use through conservation and efficiency.
  • Provide services and expertise to help others develop or improve sustainable practice.
  • Encourage the participation of SCS staff in community sustainability programs through local office partnerships and activities.
  • Seek to improve the sustainability of operations by communicating with other employees and assessing our progress towards implementation.


SCS Engineers is a pioneer in our nation’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to combat climate change. We proactively pursue the development of markets that produce major sources of methane as part of delivering products and services to consumers. Our landfill gas collection systems that produce renewable energy alone help our clients destroy the equivalent of more than 35 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year. That’s the equivalent of removing 7.5 million passenger vehicles from the roads every year.

From landfills to the energy industry to dairies and organic composting, SCS Engineers plays a significant role in monitoring and reducing greenhouse gases throughout our nation.



SCS Address

Corporate Headquarters

3900 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 300
Long Beach, CA 90806


1 (800) 767-4727
1 (562) 427-0805 | FAX
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