Planning for the “Future Normal”

April 21, 2020

Planning for the “Future Normal”

As many of our clients approach the end of the fiscal year and annual planning period, they have shared their concern about the upcoming fiscal year expectations and anticipated medium-term impacts of COVID-19 on local government operations and revenue streams.

Some of the concerns…

  • Avoiding municipal or utility service interruptions
  • Continuing to provide services to customers who can’t afford to pay
  • Predicting impact on property, earnings or sales tax revenues
  • Estimating change in water usage or waste generation
  • Longer-term financial impacts of staffing changes, prolonged vehicle/equipment replacements, and postponing or increased borrowing for capital projects.

In response….

To help our clients prepare for Fiscal Year 2020/2021, the SCS Management Services™ Team is changing how we conduct business and will now be offering the following services:

  • Micro-analysis – For near-term (1-2 year) budget/operational impacts. Results produced in one day.
  • Free webinars – discuss revenue diversification alternatives, realistic cost projection and develop a 5-year strategic plan


Trusted partners, collaborating for your success

Vita QuinnVita Quinn works with municipalities and utilities to develop realistic financial sustainability solutions.

Amy DzialowskiAmy Dzialowski helps local governments identify and obtain revenue opportunities such as grants, federal and state funding options, etc.


These services are available now and provided remotely, which helps us give you safe, cost-effective and timely results for your community.

Next steps…

Contact Vita at 386.546.7719 or or Amy at 405.264.3624 or for details, questions, or further discussion. You may also send inquiries to

About SCS Management Services™



Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am