May 3, 2017

Property with a Past? Historic fill on a property is no longer an impediment to development.

Historic fill is common on properties that were once rural and have become prime redevelopment sites as communities expanded. The fill may include contaminated materials like foundry sand, ash, demo and construction debris, and even municipal waste. Today regulations have evolved, and state agencies require property owners to manage ...

May 2, 2017

Transfer stations are running lean and mean operations

Increased separation and segregation correlate to additional space needs in transfer stations. Given the move to automation in solid waste collections, it is reasonable to assume that the processing of MSW … Continue reading Transfer stations are running lean and mean operations

April 27, 2017

SCS Advice from the Field: Proper Ammonia Tag Placement Prevents Human Error

An ammonia system that has accurate valve tags, gives detail within facility documentation of SOPs, verifies the accuracy of facility P&IDs, and provides safety measures for operators and contractors for … Continue reading SCS Advice from the Field: Proper Ammonia Tag Placement Prevents Human Error

April 26, 2017

SPCC Superhero

Imagine that one of your employees comes and tells you that a 100-gallon spill just took place at your facility and it is flowing swiftly toward a storm sewer on your property. Suddenly … Continue reading SPCC Superhero

April 19, 2017

Sound Financial Planning to Achieve Your Solid Waste Operational Goals

Many of our clients' incorporate economic planning, financial analysis, and feasibility studies into their master planning and have requested copies of these articles. Our list starts with examples of how clients applied the concepts to their circumstances and achieved their goals using the financial tools described in the list.

April 18, 2017

Using New Technology to Identify, Troubleshoot, and Resolve Everyday Landfill Gas and Leachate Challenges

Over years of working on operations and maintenance of landfill gas collection and control systems and leachate management systems, SCS found that too many times data is collected and no … Continue reading Using New Technology to Identify, Troubleshoot, and Resolve Everyday Landfill Gas and Leachate ...

April 11, 2017

Alliant Energy Takes a Holistic Approach to Sustainablity

Alliant Energy wanted to consolidate coal combustion residuals waste at its Ottumwa Midland Landfill in Ottumwa, Iowa, but the site was quickly running out of capacity. To create a sustainable, … Continue reading Alliant Energy Takes a Holistic Approach to Sustainablity

April 10, 2017

It’s April. Do you know where your storm water is going?

...knowing that your storm water controls are working and water is going where you intend it to go should be part of your spring inspection routine. Don’t want to waste money managing clean storm water with your leachate management system, or put your facility at risk by allowing ...

April 5, 2017

Get to Know the WDNR’s Waste and Materials Management Study Group

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) initiated a Waste and Materials Management (WMM) Study Group to provide constructive feedback on policy and technical issues. There are also five subgroups … Continue reading Get to Know the WDNR’s Waste and Materials Management Study Group

April 4, 2017

Transform property with a past into a center of economic prosperity using three well established reimbursement programs

The Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Fund (DERF) provides financial protection for Wisconsin dry cleaner owners if contamination occurred from their operations. The program began in 1997 and is funded by fees on dry-cleaning receipts and the solvents used in the dry-cleaning process.